Nov 4, '16, 11:10 am
Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Irondale, Ala., Nov 4, 2016 / 11:51 am (CNA/EWTN News).-
Among the first acts of the next president of the United States will be
the appointment of a new justice for the U.S. Supreme Court, comprised
currently of eight members since the February death of Associate Justice
Antonin Scalia.
In the short term, the new president will appoint Scalia’s successor — someone who will be a deciding factor in whether Catholic entities like EWTN and the Little Sisters of the Poor should be forced by the federal government to violate their religious beliefs by providing contraception and abortifacient drugs in their health insurance plans. The new justice will also help decide whether or not a Virginia girl, who now identifies as a boy, should be allowed access to the restroom that corresponds with her self-chosen sexual identity. We have already witnessed the Supreme Court redefine marriage. With another liberal activist on board, we will witness the court redefine discrimination to include sexual identity. No doubt, we will also see the court continue down the path of further chipping away at our constitutional rights to religious liberty, freedom of expression and so much more. In the long term, there perhaps will be no other more important decision made by our next president than who will be nominated to the Supreme Court. A new president with a pro-life commitment will be able to shape the future of a court that will help the United States avoid the disaster of this culture of narcissism and death and move toward one that more resembles what the Founding Fathers established. On the other hand, a new president with the opposite agenda will continue to perilously lead the United States along a path that cheapens life and demeans and threatens people of faith. In the last of the presidential debates, both candidates made it abundantly clear where they stand on the issue of respect for life. As we step into the voting booth on Tuesday, we are faced with a supremely important decision. Let us be clear in making that decision — there is no issue more important than respect for the dignity of human life. May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America. Full article...
This is an automated news feed from a generally-reliable Catholic source. Should the content fall outside CAF guidelines, please do not hesitate to report it using the Report Post icon. * * * * * * * * * Discussion welcomed and encouraged. Last edited by Robert Bay; Nov 4, '16 at 11:34 am. |
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Why the veiled innuendo? Not that i would follow the advice of any news
service, why doesn't CNA just come out and say, Tromp is good, Clinton
is bad, vote for Trump...implicit or explicit it's shameless none the
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
People here are mad bc of what Hillary said in the emails about the Catholic Church, but back when pope Francis went to Mexico, there was Bickering between trump and the Vatican. Why defend a guy who went after the pope? Aren't we catholic first? Or do we defend anybody whose a republican?
Check out my Catholic Apologetic Booklet. 121 themes/doctrines, 5,200 Bible Verses, 192 pages. English Spanish Let others know about my booklet. |
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
At least one US bishop has come out and said that no Catholic is obliged to vote for either candidate. I'm not an American, but as I have expressed multiple times now on this board, I could not vote for either in good conscience. I would focus on worthy individual pro-life senators who are not otherwise morally repulsive (as Trump is) - does that not address the Supreme Court nomination argument? The president can't act without the senate. |
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Exactly. This article is really biased and basically telling people how to vote.
Check out my Catholic Apologetic Booklet. 121 themes/doctrines, 5,200 Bible Verses, 192 pages. English Spanish Let others know about my booklet. |
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Quote: |
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
They're a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (or still should be at least, they merged with EWTN or something). They can't endorse candidates.
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
But I feel you decode what was written are signs point towards voting for trump.
Check out my Catholic Apologetic Booklet. 121 themes/doctrines, 5,200 Bible Verses, 192 pages. English Spanish Let others know about my booklet. |
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Trump or not. I want the Senate to be mostly Republican because they are
most likely to stand with at least one of the party's ideologies that a
marriage is between a man and a woman. I think Catholics should be
Republicans because the ideologies of that party (notice I said party,
not candidate ) aligns more to Catholic beliefs.
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Nonprofits can take stances on issues but not on individual
candidates or parties. We can tell what's implicit in CNA's message, but
nevertheless they can't explicitly say it. Some people think it's silly
but them's the rules.
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Are you serious??
Health is not a consumer good but a universal right, so access to health services cannot be a privilege. Pope Francis |
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Oh my...where do we begin?
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
LOL. No, I'm just kidding....or am I not?
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
On the very important issues of abortion, religious liberty and
gay marriage, yes. On everything else? I'm not so sure. Yes, Catholics
need to vote pro-life... but American Catholics were historically
Democrat for a reason.
Re: Election 2016: A supremely important decision [CNA]
Congress might as well go home if Clinton is elected.
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