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What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Nov 2, '16, 7:58 pm
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Default What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

One of the most important decisions for the next president is shaping the future of the Supreme Court.

With several justices of retirement age (i.e., Justices Ginsburg [age 83], Breyer [77], and Kennedy [79]), the next president could have outsized impact . . .

(The BBC's) Rajini Vaidyanathan discusses how the next president will impact the Supreme Court

Video Courtesy of Right To Life Michigan via YouTube:

The effects of a year can echo for a very long time. A pro-abortion president with pro-abortion appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court could solidify the course of abortion on demand for the next 3 decades.

The 2016 election is an historic vote for life. Vote prolife.

The next President could foreseeably appoint four U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

Pity the innocent unborn child.

"It's a free country; you can say whatever you want."

--Old American Saying

(U.S. Postal Service stamp-- from 1977 Americana series which extols freedom of speech and features a Speaker's Stand decorated with an American Flag shield.)

Last edited by Dwyer; Nov 2, '16 at 8:12 pm.
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Old Nov 2, '16, 8:47 pm
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

The video isn't loading for me so I don't know if it's mentioned but the reason the fight over the Court is happening now is the two major gerrymandering cases making their ways through the courts right now.
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Old Nov 2, '16, 9:24 pm
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

One of the best speeches I believe -

Sen. Marco Rubio - Why Abortion is bad for America - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqUNZ-qwBsA

I also liked this one -

A Nation Rises - March for Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opl0jnKbn5Y

I hope this has helped

God Bless You

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Old Nov 2, '16, 11:42 pm
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Dwyer View Post

Video Courtesy of Right To Life Michigan via YouTube:


The next President could foreseeably appoint four U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

Pity the innocent unborn child.
Forget abortion Roe V Wade it won't be ovetuned ,but the courts will not block state initiatives to regulate
The real battle won''t even be 2 amendment Rights
The right justices will so bend the 1 amendment
Freedom of Speech and Religion will be redefined
"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashionable".
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Old Nov 3, '16, 12:30 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by gus View Post
Forget abortion Roe V Wade

Originally Posted by gus View Post
it won't be ovetuned
I think it may, nevertheless, will never give up until it is.

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Old Nov 3, '16, 12:35 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Not to mention the stark difference between candidates regarding the Johnson Amendment. One candidate wants to repeal the amendment and free up the various religions to speak in matters political without fear of government taxation. The other wants to fundamentally alter the Catholic Church through infiltration and subversion.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 1:17 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

. . . . . .

Victorious Prayer
of King Asa
II Chronicles 14:11

"And he called upon the
and said:
there is no difference with Thee,
whether Thou help with few,
or with many:
help us,
for with confidence in Thee,
and in Thy Name,
we are come against this multitude.

let not man
prevail against Thee.' "

In dedication to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

. . . all for Jesus+
. . . thank You Gracious Heavenly Father+
. . . thank You Sweet Spirit of Our Holy God+
. . . thank you Blessed Virgin Mary Our Mother+
. . . thank you Holy Mother Church+
. . . in Jesus Precious Holy Name We Pray+


"But He answered and said,
It is written,
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

- Jesus
Matthew 4:4
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Old Nov 3, '16, 2:20 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Jesus_123 View Post

I really like some of your posts that I have seen, however, I just wanted to mention that with the 'centered' and 'colored' and 'bolded' in the places they are, how it is laid out, I think it makes it a bit hard to read imho.

Just wanted to mention that as I think more people would be able to read them easier if they were laid out in a format like this post. Bolding and things are fine too, it's mainly the 'centered' and different 'sizes' and 'color' that makes it hard to read/follow I believe. I'm sure it would also save you a lot of time too.


Victorious Prayer of King Asa
II Chronicles 14:11

"And he called upon the LORD GOD, and said: 'O LORD, there is no difference with Thee, whether Thou help with few, or with many: help us, O LORD OUR GOD: for with confidence in Thee, and in Thy Name, we are come against this multitude. O LORD THOU ART OUR GOD, let not man prevail against Thee.' "

In dedication to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I hope this has helped

May God Bless You

Jesus to St Faustina
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Old Nov 3, '16, 2:27 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

I understand the fear that people have regarding the next president, but I don't think the situation is as dire as many have said.

There are key Senate races in many states that can help ensure moderate appointees to SCOTUS. I would definitely concentrate on those. I'll do my part down here by voting for Marco Rubio.

Here is an informative blogger that explains why the Senate is the key to SCOTUS:

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Old Nov 3, '16, 2:29 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

I honestly believe the situation is as dire as they say, if not worse, if Clinton gets in.

1. They tried, have been and most likely still are, trying to create a 'revolution' within the Catholic Church. Tactics such as Infiltration and deception in attacking the faithful. That says all we should need to know really.

2. The Support for Abortion they have, also disguising it as 'health services' or 'reproductive health', deception again.

3. Their ideology when it comes to LGBT rights and Abortion (Reproductive Health) rights. Her supreme court nominations will be those who believe Roe vs Wade is 'Settled Law', Euthanasia will be next on the table, her appointees will have no objection.

4. After taking Mosul, Clinton said in the Final Presidential debate, she wants to then push on into Syria and take Rakka, apparently she doesn't seem to realize that Assad is backed by Russia, and so if she wants to get to Assad, she will have to go through Russia.

Anyway, that's just some off the top of my head.

I hope this has helped

God Bless You

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Last edited by josh987654321; Nov 3, '16 at 2:48 am.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 2:40 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Pro-abortion advocates even object to a TV commercial for Doritos.


For goodness sake.

The Supreme Court can allow alternative arguments.

Pain threshold.

10th Amendment ... authority NOT Federal jurisdiction.

Sonograms [Knights of Columbus helps buy sonogram machines.]


In the wrong hands, the Supreme Court could restrict pro-life activity ... call it "hate speech".
Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy Divine Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created. And You will renew the face of the earth.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 2:56 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Monte RCMS View Post
In the wrong hands, the Supreme Court could restrict pro-life activity ... call it "hate speech".
They certainly will, similar arguments are already being used here in Australia. They say it's hate speech and to be outlawed, because it's intimidating women who seek or have an abortion. An elderly woman was recently fined by Police here for silently praying the Rosary outside and abortion Clinic.


God Bless You

Jesus to St Faustina
You please Me most when you meditate on My Sorrowful Passion.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 3:07 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

UK restrictions on pro-life:

Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy Divine Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created. And You will renew the face of the earth.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 3:09 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court



The rescue: A "rescue operation" involves pro-life activists blocking the entrances to an abortion clinic in order to prevent anyone from entering. The stated goal of this practice is to force the clinic to shut down for the day. Often, the protesters are removed by law enforcement. Some clinics were protested so heavily in this fashion that they closed down permanently. "The rescue" was first attempted by Operation Rescue. Ever since President Bill Clinton signed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act into law, the rescue has become prohibitively expensive, and has rarely been attempted.
Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy Divine Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created. And You will renew the face of the earth.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 3:23 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Monte RCMS View Post


The rescue: A "rescue operation" involves pro-life activists blocking the entrances to an abortion clinic in order to prevent anyone from entering. The stated goal of this practice is to force the clinic to shut down for the day. Often, the protesters are removed by law enforcement. Some clinics were protested so heavily in this fashion that they closed down permanently. "The rescue" was first attempted by Operation Rescue. Ever since President Bill Clinton signed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act into law, the rescue has become prohibitively expensive, and has rarely been attempted.
I don't agree with blocking entrances to abortion clinics, I would work to have them legally shut down. But not block entrances.

Fining an elderly woman silently praying outside an abortion clinic, not blocking the entrance or anything, definitely crosses the line I believe though.

I hope this has helped

God Bless You

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Nov 3, '16, 3:28 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Monte RCMS View Post
UK restrictions on pro-life:

Those are tactics they will use, any pro-life speech will be classified as hate speech, said to be attacking women who have had or seek an abortion, which will be classified as 'settled law' under Clinton, and deemed a constitutional and fundamental 'right'

God Bless You

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Old Nov 3, '16, 4:13 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

While I agree the Supreme Court is extremely important in this election, lets not forget about the hundreds upon hundreds of lower level judges and high and low level bureaucrats that are appointed by the president that have much to do with Americans every day lives. Things like the recent push to force all public schools to let students use any bathroom they "identify" with despite their actual physical gender did not come from the very top but from bureaucrats at lower levels. While the names on the ballot just list president and vice president you are really voting for those people and everyone they appoint in both the judicial and executive branches.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 4:18 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Xystus View Post
While I agree the Supreme Court is extremely important in this election, lets not forget about the hundreds upon hundreds of lower level judges and high and low level bureaucrats that are appointed by the president that have much to do with Americans every day lives. Things like the recent push to force all public schools to let students use any bathroom they "identify" with despite their actual physical gender did not come from the very top but from bureaucrats at lower levels. While the names on the ballot just list president and vice president you are really voting for those people and everyone they appoint in both the judicial and executive branches.
Keep in mind also that if Clinton wins, those courts will have filled vacancies in at least 20 of 28 years. (two Bill Clinton terms, two Obama terms, plus *at least* one Hillary Clinton term with eight years sandwiched in between of Bush).
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Old Nov 3, '16, 4:33 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Sing a little louder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofcs9Y7qL4s

And all it takes is a vote. One candidate who has a pro-life platform, has a real chance of winning if people only vote for them.

Others candidates, while some are very good, unfortunately, have practically no chance of succeeding imho.

"For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."

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The greatest misery does not stop Me from uniting Myself to a soul, but where there is pride, I am not there.
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We resemble God most when we forgive our neighbors. (Diary, 1148)

Last edited by josh987654321; Nov 3, '16 at 4:50 am.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 4:54 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by josh987654321 View Post
I don't agree with blocking entrances to abortion clinics, I would work to have them legally shut down. But not block entrances.

Fining an elderly woman silently praying outside an abortion clinic, not blocking the entrance or anything, definitely crosses the line I believe though.

I hope this has helped

God Bless You

Thank you for reading
We do not block the entrance to the clinic. The law forbids this type of activity. We do, however stand on the nearby sidewalk and pray our rosary. We are silent witnesses and do no harm to anyone. You would be surprised to know just how many people have had a change of heart just knowing that others care. We then direct them across the street to a pregnancy center where they can receive REAL help.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 5:01 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Used2beSherryG View Post
We do not block the entrance to the clinic. The law forbids this type of activity. We do, however stand on the nearby sidewalk and pray our rosary. We are silent witnesses and do no harm to anyone. You would be surprised to know just how many people have had a change of heart just knowing that others care. We then direct them across the street to a pregnancy center where they can receive REAL help.
That's excellent.

God Bless You Abundantly.

Unfortunately, in Australia they are now fining people for doing just that.

And if Clinton is elected, no doubt it will become much worse. In the U.S and abroad.

"For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."

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Jesus to St Faustina
You please Me most when you meditate on My Sorrowful Passion.
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The greatest misery does not stop Me from uniting Myself to a soul, but where there is pride, I am not there.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 5:48 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Dwyer View Post
.The next President could foreseeably appoint four U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

Pity the innocent unborn child.
We have ceded too much of our culture to government. Focusing so heavily on occupying the Supreme Court, which has been the focus of the pro-life movement since 1976, runs counter to every bit of political theology in the New Testament.

What did Jesus say when the "sons of thunder" asked to sit at his right hand? (Mark 10:25-35)
"You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; 44whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all."
What did our Lord say when Pilate asked him if he was a king? (John 18:36)
"My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants [would] be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here"

How did St. Paul lead off his instructions to the Romans about government? (Romans 13:1-8)
"Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God."

How did 1 Peter describe interactions with politics? (1 Peter 2:13-17)
"Be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king as supreme or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the approval of those who do good. For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorance of foolish people. Be free, yet without using freedom as a pretext for evil, but as slaves of God. Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king."

I could go on. But for this particular election, let me reiterate the point I've made before: voting for Donald Trump, even him appointing FOUR entirely pro-life justices to the Supreme Court, is unlikely to do anything to reduce abortion from current levels and may actually increase it. Here's a nutshell of that argument: http://forums.catholic.com/showthrea...0#post14257730

As to the other issues, Christ is king, and all power on Heaven and Earth has been given to him. So what did he tell us to do? (Matthew 28:16-20)
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"

That's not partisan politics. It's evangelism. It's that, not political maneuvers, that caused Christianity to take over the Roman Empire.
"You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you."
Mark 10:42b-43a
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Old Nov 3, '16, 6:16 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by fnr View Post
We have ceded too much of our culture to government. Focusing so heavily on occupying the Supreme Court, which has been the focus of the pro-life movement since 1976, runs counter to every bit of political theology in the New Testament.

That's not partisan politics. It's evangelism. It's that, not political maneuvers, that caused Christianity to take over the Roman Empire.
Can't it be both? I see people working on both, and I don't think it takes away from either aspect.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 6:27 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Used2beSherryG View Post
We do not block the entrance to the clinic. The law forbids this type of activity. We do, however stand on the nearby sidewalk and pray our rosary. We are silent witnesses and do no harm to anyone. You would be surprised to know just how many people have had a change of heart just knowing that others care. We then direct them across the street to a pregnancy center where they can receive REAL help.
Unless there's a "buffer zone" which prohibits people from protesting within so many feet of the facility.

Massachusetts had a buffer zone and it was struck down by the Supreme Court:


And I can guess whose side Hillary Clinton and her Supreme Court would be on.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 6:56 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by fnr View Post
That's not partisan politics. It's evangelism. It's that, not political maneuvers, that caused Christianity to take over the Roman Empire.
Actually it's both. Both Evangelism and Politics.

I believe your forgetting we live in a democracy, would you have said the same if it were a Democratic Roman election between Constantine the Great, Maximian and Licinius?

It wasn't democratic, and God used Constantine the Great to defeat Maximian and Licinius and then legalize Christianity in the Roman Empire after the Diocletian persecutions with the Edict of Milan.

I hope this has helped

God Bless You

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Last edited by josh987654321; Nov 3, '16 at 7:11 am.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 8:04 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by TCEL View Post
Can't it be both? I see people working on both, and I don't think it takes away from either aspect.
I see partisan politics as getting in the way of both.

I'm to campaign to my friends and family for a man who mocked a reporter with hand gestures similar to my cognitively-disabled cousin and then turn around and call them to repentance? I'm to hand them a rosary and tell them "one good reason" to be Catholic (as St. Paul Street Evangelization does), and then have to defend a candidate who calls women fat cows, just because he recently committed to being pro-life? I'm to tell my friend who gets an asthma attack when her car gets stuck behind smoking diesel bus, and then say that Trump's promise to abolish the EPA is fine because he's going to protect the unborn?

So I guess my answer is that no, we can't do both, at least in this election. I can't be a credible witness to the love of Christ by hawking Trump or Clinton, or any politician for that matter.

If you look at my link in my last post, I make a more general case that there is very little evidence that overturning Roe v. Wade will reduce abortion rates. So if we are serious about abortion, we need to change the culture and not claim that voting for the Court is going to do it for us.
"You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you."
Mark 10:42b-43a
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Old Nov 3, '16, 8:22 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by fnr View Post
I see partisan politics as getting in the way of both.

I'm to campaign to my friends and family for a man who mocked a reporter with hand gestures similar to my cognitively-disabled cousin and then turn around and call them to repentance? I'm to hand them a rosary and tell them "one good reason" to be Catholic (as St. Paul Street Evangelization does), and then have to defend a candidate who calls women fat cows, just because he recently committed to being pro-life? I'm to tell my friend who gets an asthma attack when her car gets stuck behind smoking diesel bus, and then say that Trump's promise to abolish the EPA is fine because he's going to protect the unborn?

So I guess my answer is that no, we can't do both, at least in this election. I can't be a credible witness to the love of Christ by hawking Trump or Clinton, or any politician for that matter.

If you look at my link in my last post, I make a more general case that there is very little evidence that overturning Roe v. Wade will reduce abortion rates. So if we are serious about abortion, we need to change the culture and not claim that voting for the Court is going to do it for us.
So, one is prepared to support and promote elective abortion and utter corruption because the opposing candidate has said vulgar things?

If, indeed, one is disabled, one ought to reflect on the fact that the Dems have controlled the white house for eight years, and had total control of the government for two of them, and what did they do for the disabled? Nothing. One should reflect on the fact that SSI still requires that one be reduced to total poverty and the benefit is something like $700/month. The Dems could have improved that, but didn't care. No, instead, they gave subsidies to the well-to-do with "cash for clunkers", destroying in the process the vehicles upon which poor people depend.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 9:48 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Monte RCMS View Post
10th Amendment ... authority NOT Federal jurisdiction.

Although I see a constitutional convention and amendment which clarifies the 10th Amendment as the only way back to that.

Referendums on the ballots may work to some extent too.
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Old Nov 3, '16, 9:57 pm
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by fnr View Post
I see partisan politics as getting in the way of both.

I'm to campaign to my friends and family for a man who mocked a reporter with hand gestures similar to my cognitively-disabled cousin and then turn around and call them to repentance? I'm to hand them a rosary and tell them "one good reason" to be Catholic (as St. Paul Street Evangelization does), and then have to defend a candidate who calls women fat cows, just because he recently committed to being pro-life? I'm to tell my friend who gets an asthma attack when her car gets stuck behind smoking diesel bus, and then say that Trump's promise to abolish the EPA is fine because he's going to protect the unborn?

So I guess my answer is that no, we can't do both, at least in this election. I can't be a credible witness to the love of Christ by hawking Trump or Clinton, or any politician for that matter.

If you look at my link in my last post, I make a more general case that there is very little evidence that overturning Roe v. Wade will reduce abortion rates. So if we are serious about abortion, we need to change the culture and not claim that voting for the Court is going to do it for us.
Evangelization is important; but politics are important too.

The abortion policy of our government is controlled by politics.

You are supposed to take your Catholic principles and apply them to civic life, not shut out the world.

One thing is for sure: if you sit and take no action politically, nothing is going to change at all.

In regard to what some candidate said or a federal government agency disappearing, what about the 954,000 or more murdered innocent unborn children killed every year by abortion?

That is a lot of Death.

Abortion involves murder.

All that Death is a lot more offensive and destructive and criminal in the hierarchy of Catholic values than insults some candidate uttered.

"It's a free country; you can say whatever you want."

--Old American Saying

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Old Nov 3, '16, 10:10 pm
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

I heard that Obama could be appointed.

Still doesn't move me to vote for Trump though.

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Nov 4, '16, 3:59 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by josh987654321 View Post
Actually it's both. Both Evangelism and Politics.

I believe your forgetting we live in a democracy, would you have said the same if it were a Democratic Roman election between Constantine the Great, Maximian and Licinius?

It wasn't democratic, and God used Constantine the Great to defeat Maximian and Licinius and then legalize Christianity in the Roman Empire after the Diocletian persecutions with the Edict of Milan.

I hope this has helped

God Bless You

Thank you for reading

We live in a Republic.

The word "democracy" appears in NONE of our founding documents.
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Old Nov 4, '16, 4:01 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Xystus View Post
While I agree the Supreme Court is extremely important in this election, lets not forget about the hundreds upon hundreds of lower level judges and high and low level bureaucrats that are appointed by the president that have much to do with Americans every day lives. Things like the recent push to force all public schools to let students use any bathroom they "identify" with despite their actual physical gender did not come from the very top but from bureaucrats at lower levels. While the names on the ballot just list president and vice president you are really voting for those people and everyone they appoint in both the judicial and executive branches.

Not just bathrooms.

You cannot teach about Christianity in public schools ... but you MUST teach about Islam.
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Old Nov 4, '16, 6:17 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Ridgerunner View Post
So, one is prepared to support and promote elective abortion and utter corruption because the opposing candidate has said vulgar things?
Absolutely not. I am not voting for either Clinton or Trump. I have made the case elsewhere that under the consideration of proportionality spelled out in the Ratzinger 2004 memo, the predicted lack of significant effect of overturning Roe v. Wade on U.S. abortion rates (based on statistical evidence alone) means that we can and should think, with prayerful prudence, about issues other than abortion.

For me, there are also large policy issues at stake. Trump's seeming tolerance/ encouragement of nuclear proliferation by nations such as South Korea and Japan, his seeming admiration for Russian and Turkish strongmen who seize land that is not their own (Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq), his promise to finance his wall by seizing remittances to Mexico from immigrants whose families rely on them to stay out of extreme poverty, promise to use the government to support more oil and coal development, among other policies, are quite important issues, in aggregate.

Trump's demeanor and behavior are certainly relevant if "culture of life" has any meaning outside of "outlawing abortion."

If, indeed, one is disabled, one ought to reflect on the fact that the Dems have controlled the white house for eight years, and had total control of the government for two of them, and what did they do for the disabled? Nothing. One should reflect on the fact that SSI still requires that one be reduced to total poverty and the benefit is something like $700/month. The Dems could have improved that, but didn't care. No, instead, they gave subsidies to the well-to-do with "cash for clunkers", destroying in the process the vehicles upon which poor people depend.
I'm not going to defend the Democrats, but will only point out that we have had divided government for most of the last eight years.

I have two people in my family who are disabled, including one who makes hand motions like those mimed by Trump. Giving the bully pulpit to a man who so flippantly treated a disabled person with such indignity is a major issue for me.

As I said, "culture of life" must mean more than just "pro-life Supreme Court." Or we will accomplish nothing, or very close to it, in reducing abortion and other ills.
"You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you."
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Old Nov 4, '16, 6:21 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Dwyer View Post
In regard to what some candidate said or a federal government agency disappearing, what about the 954,000 or more murdered innocent unborn children killed every year by abortion?
Please, read what I wrote in this earlier post, and tell me what makes you think voting is going to help much, if at all: http://forums.catholic.com/showthrea...0#post14257730

All that Death is a lot more offensive and destructive and criminal in the hierarchy of Catholic values than insults some candidate uttered.
It's not just insults. It's defining what we mean by "culture of life."
"You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you."
Mark 10:42b-43a
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Old Nov 4, '16, 6:31 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Dwyer View Post
All that Death is a lot more offensive and destructive and criminal in the hierarchy of Catholic values than insults some candidate uttered.
Except that insults are much more visible. But you're right.
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Old Nov 4, '16, 6:56 am
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Default Re: What's at stake in the US election: Supreme Court

Originally Posted by Monte RCMS View Post
Not just bathrooms.

You cannot teach about Christianity in public schools ... but you MUST teach about Islam.
This isn't true.

My son is in public high school. In global studies they had a lesson on the various global religions. Christianity was discussed respectfully, as was Judaism and Islam.
Jesus, protect and save the unborn.

The Word became flesh, He lived among us, and we saw His glory, the glory that He has from the Father as only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.
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