Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
And the pendulum of culture swings on...
Give it 50 years, it will swing back the other way!
“Pray any way you like, so long as you do pray.” "May He be praised forever!" |
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
lol.. you beat me to it!
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
We're in a very bad dynamic right now. Each extreme is feeding off the
other extreme. I had the unfortunate experience of engaging with some
extreme leftists the other day, and they were incapable of uttering one
sentence without a string of juvenile insults. I have a very hard time
maintaining a charitable attitude towards either side.
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
If you do look through history within the last 150-200 years there
does seem to be some kind of political flip from generation to
generation after about 40-50 years. I guess it's just happening again.
Each time it seems to get more and more extreme.
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
Eh, it's really noting new.
In the 80's, when a whole lot of people with mohawks where preaching anarchy and change, you had white power punks. In the 60's, when you had hippies and you also had the KKK. That being said, I do have some concern since it seems like the folks who try an manipulate the young and angry people, on both sides, are a lot more insidious with their efforts. |
Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
How do you place either left or right on this?
I say what I have to say and move on. If you have a question, kindly send a private message. 3X cancer survivor: 1) Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma Not Otherwise Specified, 2) Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma, and 3) Myelodysplastic Syndrome. How? Eucharist, Anointing, Prayer. Moderator www.cancerforums.net |
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
My experience when I went to college of the politically active were of fringe type people on both ends of the political spectrum, with the MSM portraying all youth as "hip to be liberal" and "protest"; I don't remember anyone I personally knew or on my dorm floor hitting me over the head with political ideas at the college I attended; on the contrary, their interests revolved around the pretty mundane. It was probably people who came from politically active families that were involved in political activism; most I think need inside information or the threat of being drafted to get involved in that activity though there's nothing wrong with getting involved with that type of activity.
"It's a free country; you can say whatever you want." --Old American Saying (U.S. Postal Service stamp-- from 1977 Americana series which extols freedom of speech and features a Speaker's Stand decorated with an American Flag shield.) Last edited by Dwyer; Jun 29, '17 at 4:23 pm. |
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
I was a hippie, I guess. A lot of us became Christians, because we were
searching. I kept searching, although not really knowing I was, until
God found me.
We started out being fed up with the straight-laced hypocrisy of the older generation, which looking back may not have been hypocrisy, just an inability to discuss what really mattered to them. I know my dad was a staunch Catholic despite obstacles, but he never really talked about his faith. I try talking about it to my kids, and they shrug it off -- Mom's as crazy as dad, just in a different way. (their father is a Scientologist, among other things). But they are getting some of it, somehow. At least they know where I stand. Liberal and conservative are not really useful terms. I'm socially conservative, against abortion, euthanasia, same sex marriage, but politically liberal - in favor of universal healthcare, for example. A Christian can't be defined by labels. .
________________________________________ ____________ Fiction is the lie that tells the truth. ~ Neil Gaiman |
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
It's a rite of passage as old as time. |
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
That's baloney. I've lived through a bunch of sub-cultures. Some talk about the "straight-laced" attitude or hypocrisy of the "older" generation. That's just wrong. Suddenly, someone who is hip or does things that are outside the average is better? You still have bills to pay, a car to maintain, and other really mundane stuff whether you wear a three-piece suit or a mohawk and whatever the cool kids/adults are wearing. Just be honest with yourself. He or she is liberal, conservative, whatever. That's just part of their Ultra-Orthodox belief system either handed down or acquired. I was at this punk club/bar and was accepted even though I dressed funny, because I knew one of the tribal leaders. And that's all it was. The girls dressed a certain way. The guys dressed a certain way. One night, some average people showed up and the two girls sitting at the same round table as me - the entire place was lit by a 5 watt bulb, except for the dance floor - saw them: "Look! Tourists!" The other girl: "It's like somebody walking into your bedroom." It was young adult dress-up, that's all. Just like the Goths. Wardrobe? Black. Alternate wardrobe? More black. For some, black lipstick and nails. I'm a liberal. I'm a conservative. Yeah? Do you want fries with that? I mean, from the Hippies on up, the extreme requirements for being part of the club: the regulation length hair, the regulation clothes, the regulation length chain, the required dope smoking and learning Hippie-speak. "Have you read.... whoever? Yeah? You pass. Next." Some young people decided, if they had the time and money, and were attractive, that living off the beaten path was part of the fascination of "I can be different." And having fun used to mean something clean, wholesome and moral. Now, it's immoral, immoral and immoral. No, not everyone, but the lapdog media played to that. It made "sell more newspapers" copy and the photos - C'mon. The media gradually decided covering the news was less important than "Man Bites Dog" headlines. Young people are fascinated by the way they look and can look. And experiment with all kinds of stuff because nothing can hurt them. Nope. They were subject to the same hurts and errors as anyone. And if they decided the cool-trendy life was for them, they acted out as if they had a script in their hand. Of course, it felt new and fun for a while. And having fun would be a lot better today if some realized that they aren't that much different than that uncool person who is somehow - mysteriously - living a life they enjoy. And living a traditional life and are content. The "far right."? Look! It's one of those nasty far-righters!! Let's.... let's... let's complain about them on the internet! Ed Sorry, I can't tell you about our secret handshake or meeting places.... |
Re: Far Right becoming the new counter-culture.
"‘Do you see this vessel—waterpot or whatever it may be? Can it be called by any other name than what it is?’ ‘No,’ he replied. ‘So also I cannot call myself by any other name than what I am—a Christian.’” -St. Perpetua |
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