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Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Oct 17, '16, 7:22 pm
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Default Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

A recently leaked 2014 email from Hillary Clinton acknowledges, citing Western intelligence sources, that the U.S.-backed regimes in Saudi Arabia and Qatar have supported ISIS . . .

Another newly released email, from January 2016, includes an excerpt from a private October 2013 speech in which Clinton acknowledged that “the Saudis have exported more extreme ideology than any other place on earth over the course of the last 30 years” . . .

U.S. officials and many analysts and news reports have long denied that the Saudi and Qatari monarchies have supported ISIS, instead claiming the support was coming from rich donors in those countries. U.S. officials told CBS in September 2014 that wealthy “angel investors” in Qatar and other Gulf states were sending money to ISIS.

The leaked August 2014 email, however, shows that Western intelligence sources knew the regimes themselves were providing support to the Islamic State.

We defended them during Desert Storm.

Stabbed in the back by our Gulf "pals".

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Old Oct 17, '16, 7:51 pm
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Originally Posted by Dwyer View Post

We defended them during Desert Storm.

Stabbed in the back by our Gulf "pals".
If Saudi Arabia and Qatar have supported ISIS, they have probably come to regret it since I'm sure that ISIS would like to overthrow the monarchies in those countries if they could.
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Old Oct 17, '16, 8:24 pm
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

I believe they both contributed to the Clinton Foundation also.
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Old Oct 17, '16, 9:11 pm
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

(In best Gilbert Gottfried voice) "Why am I not surprised?
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Old Oct 17, '16, 9:13 pm
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

ISIS has all kinds of American weapons and uniforms.
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Old Oct 18, '16, 6:23 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

No surprise that they are funding ISIS (and have funded al Qaeda, etc.). I hear that religious extremism runs deep within Saudi Arabian culture. We treated them as friends because we needed the oil. Hopefully that dependence is coming to an end.
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Old Oct 18, '16, 6:24 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Yesterday, Trump gave a talk at Green Bay, Wisconsin and he said that one of his first acts as President is to push for banning lobbying by foreign governments.

"Redress of grievances" is a Constitutional protection for American citizens. [That is lobbying.] But there is no protection for foreign governments to use foreign money for those purposes.

Trump's talk at Green Bay on October 17th was excellent.

He also wants a five year ban on government employees working as lobbyists. He would start with an Executive Order and then ask Congress to put it into law, so it could not be bypassed by another Executive Order. [Apparently, Bill Clinton used an executive order ... and then apparently rescinded it.]
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Old Oct 18, '16, 8:05 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Originally Posted by Monte RCMS View Post
Yesterday, Trump gave a talk at Green Bay, Wisconsin and he said that one of his first acts as President is to push for banning lobbying by foreign governments.

"Redress of grievances" is a Constitutional protection for American citizens. [That is lobbying.] But there is no protection for foreign governments to use foreign money for those purposes.

Trump's talk at Green Bay on October 17th was excellent.

He also wants a five year ban on government employees working as lobbyists. He would start with an Executive Order and then ask Congress to put it into law, so it could not be bypassed by another Executive Order. [Apparently, Bill Clinton used an executive order ... and then apparently rescinded it.]
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Old Oct 18, '16, 9:16 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Originally Posted by Thorolfr View Post
If Saudi Arabia and Qatar have supported ISIS, they have probably come to regret it since I'm sure that ISIS would like to overthrow the monarchies in those countries if they could.
Wanting to doesn't mean they could. When Obama and Clinton abandoned Iraq to be a battleground between Iran and Sunni, there was no Sunni force other than ISIS and other radical groups. It's perfidious for Saudi Arabia and Qatar to support ISIS. But they were probably aware (as our government was not) that ISIS is actually a weak force, not a strong one. It appears ISIS was, to some extent, mercenaries for Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the war with Iran.

And what did they buy when they paid Hillary Clinton millions? Perhaps pretense that it wasn't what was going on. Perhaps her silence on that and a lot of things. Well, the U.S. did provide a lot of weapons to Sunni terror groups too.
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Old Oct 18, '16, 9:19 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Originally Posted by Thorolfr View Post
If Saudi Arabia and Qatar have supported ISIS, they have probably come to regret it since I'm sure that ISIS would like to overthrow the monarchies in those countries if they could.
True. I'm sure at first the Saudis saw fellow Wahhabist/Salafists attempting to establish themselves (not unlike how the Saudis themselves first came to power). But ISIL is so much more than just a Wahhabist/Salafist organization when it comes down to it. They're the doomsday cult version of that theology who want to watch the world burn.

That said, getting in bed with the devil by mistake is not a unique trait to the Saudis and Qataris if this is true. The US made the same mistake in the 80's with what became Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
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Old Oct 18, '16, 10:47 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Originally Posted by Padres1969 View Post
True. I'm sure at first the Saudis saw fellow Wahhabist/Salafists attempting to establish themselves (not unlike how the Saudis themselves first came to power). But ISIL is so much more than just a Wahhabist/Salafist organization when it comes down to it. They're the doomsday cult version of that theology who want to watch the world burn.

That said, getting in bed with the devil by mistake is not a unique trait to the Saudis and Qataris if this is true. The US made the same mistake in the 80's with what became Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
Not to mention our present aid and cooperation with Iran's mullahs, whose version of Shia is a doomsday cult as well.
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Old Oct 18, '16, 11:36 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Originally Posted by Padres1969 View Post
True. I'm sure at first the Saudis saw fellow Wahhabist/Salafists attempting to establish themselves (not unlike how the Saudis themselves first came to power). But ISIL is so much more than just a Wahhabist/Salafist organization when it comes down to it. They're the doomsday cult version of that theology who want to watch the world burn.

That said, getting in bed with the devil by mistake is not a unique trait to the Saudis and Qataris if this is true. The US made the same mistake in the 80's with what became Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
It's undeniable that ISiS grew out of the anti-Assad rebellion supported by the Saudi and the Obama administration.
Hillary''s attemp to blame the Russians for Syria is a joke as they didn'5 enter the conflict until well after the rise of ISiS.
We sponsored a revolt that a large factor became even more radical and then blame the chaos on the Russians, nice going Hillary
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Old Oct 18, '16, 11:46 am
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Default Re: Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Originally Posted by gus View Post
It's undeniable that ISiS grew out of the anti-Assad rebellion supported by the Saudi and the Obama administration.
Hillary''s attemp to blame the Russians for Syria is a joke as they didn'5 enter the conflict until well after the rise of ISiS.
We sponsored a revolt that a large factor became even more radical and then blame the chaos on the Russians, nice going Hillary
Just a minor detail. ISIS was born out of Al Quaeda in Iraq. ISIS broke off over killing Shiites. ISIS wanted to do that, A.Q. did not. But the U.S. had pretty much made Iraq a losing situation for both ISIS and A.Q., so ISIS left and put its efforts into Syria. When the U.S. abandoned Iraq, ISIS further consolidated its grip in Syria and then went back into Iraq as well.

The Russians are not good guys in this. But they waited for three years to see if we would do anything in Syria. We didn't, so then Russia committed a lot of resources in support of Assad. Forces friendly to Iran are taking over Iraq with the help of our "boots on the ground" and our air force.

Two vacuums. Russia and Iranian proxies filled one and Iran is filling the other.

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