Thursday, December 15, 2011

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,251
Registered: 06-01-2008
Nearly 20% of women in the US are raped or suffer attempted rape at some point in their lives, a US study says.

Even more women, estimated at 25%, have been attacked by a partner or husband, the Centers for Disease Control said.

The findings form part of the first set of results from a nationwide study surveying sexual violence by intimate partners against men and women.

More than 24 people a minute reported rape, violence, or stalking, it says, with 12 million offences reported.
Experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) described the results of the first year of the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey as "astounding".

Among the key figures included in the survey's findings were:

  • more than one million women were raped in the 12 months prior to the survey, estimates show

  • more than six million women and men were a victim of stalking

  • more than 12 million women and men reported rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner over the course of a year.

The Associated Press whitewashes the rape statistics by not specifically mentioning them.

Yeah, the MSM really cares a lot about sexual assault in this country:

Certain states seemed to have higher reports of sexual violence than others. Alaska, Oregon and Nevada were among the highest in rapes and attempted rapes of women, and Virginia and Tennessee were among the lowest.

Not too long ago, the MSM was trumpeting that Urban Crime had dropped to its lowest in 40 years.
Crime -- both property crime and violent crime -- is down to its lowest level in 40 years, especially in America's biggest cities, according to newly released data from the FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report. The data was collected from January through December 2010 and breaks out metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas as well as cities of various sizes.
For the fourth year in a row, there has been yet another substantial decline in crime: 5.5 percent fewer murders, forcible rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults were reported in 2010 than in 2009; property crimes fell by 2.8 percent over the same period and reported arsons dropped by 8.3 percent.
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"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake . . ."
--George Washington's Farewell Address

Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,363
Registered: 04-10-2007
Oh well,as long as we put up with it what should we expect.I say zero tolerance.Rape and you die.Watch it stop.But we can't cause the lord said not to.Sure thing BRO.

Ruby Contributor
Posts: 15,599
Registered: 07-19-2007
I think that depends upon the definition of rape.

Since being legally declared a rapist can impact a man for the rest of his life, I dare say this will backfire upon women in the long run if they seek to legally fight the "rapists."

Since so much can be deemed not consensual or force, depending on the situation, after a few nasty convictions I predict the tide will turn and men will start getting away with it again.

Beware the fine line.  I'd hate for rapists to get away with something because juries feel sympathy.

Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,137
Registered: 08-16-2007
  Percentage is far higher than that. Most women/girls do not report or want to talk about it. Every close female friend I've known has been raped or molested. It is to the point where I can see the pattern in many women and pick them out.

  The big problem is many do not want to go through the truama of reporting and prosecuting these scumbags, and they count on it. Prosecuting rape is a hard task that involves defense attornies arguing that they wanted it to happen or somehow gave consent. "You were wearing a mini skirt and did not say no three times and give a notorized written notice that you said no."

  I've seen close friends go through this and not be able to prosecute them and the scumbags walk free. The police and prosecutors actually convince many of them to drop it and not waste their time or tell them the prosecution is worse than the crime.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,251
Registered: 06-01-2008
Feeroegee wrote:

Oh well,as long as we put up with it what should we expect.I say zero tolerance.Rape and you die.Watch it stop.But we can't cause the lord said not to.Sure thing BRO.

Wow, a blood thirsty atheist who sounds like a Muslim:

Quick with the guillotine.

Watch the bodies pile up; like a Hollyweird movie.

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake . . ."
--George Washington's Farewell Address

Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,746
Registered: 02-14-2008

feeroegee wrote:
Oh well,as long as we put up with it what should we expect.I say zero tolerance.Rape and you die.Watch it stop.But we can't cause the lord said not to.Sure thing BRO.

Let's not go off half ... We have seen where that leads.
Last week, DNA samples were taken from 46 members of thelacrosse team. Investigators are trying to identify at least three men suspected of raping and beating the woman, who was hired to dance at a party.

"We're not saying that all 46 were involved," Durham Police Cpl. David Addison said recently. "But we do know that some of the players inside that house on that evening knew what transpired and we need them to come forward."

So far, no charges have been filed against any of the players. The team, which is currently ranked No. 2 and has been considered a favorite to win this year's national championship, forfeited two games -- one yesterday and one that would have been played on this coming Tuesday -- because of the allegations.

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,784
Registered: 04-05-2010
what i wonder is how long before the victims get blamed..
they dont hate capitalism, they hate whats been DONE to capitalism.
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,251
Registered: 06-01-2008

PBS 12/14 8PM: Tchaikovsk​y's Nutcracker​: NYC Ballet

[ Edited ]
Paul Kolnik
George Balanchine's "The Nutcracker."

"The holiday season in New York brings with it many traditions, among them the lighting of the Radio City Christmas Tree; the spectacular Christmas show at the Radio City Music Hall; multiple performances of Handel's Messiah; and the remarkable George Balanchine choreography for Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker ballet, performed some 45 times in December and January by the world-renowned company he and balletomane Lincoln Kirstein founded in 1948, the New York City Ballet."

Live From Lincoln Center will be on hand for one of those performances on the evening of Wednesday, December 14.

Tonight at 8:00PM EST, only on PBS!

Check local listings:

George Balanchine's "The Nutcracker"
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake . . ."
--George Washington's Farewell Address