Thursday, December 15, 2011

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Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The makers of Jack Daniel's whiskey can take a victory sip after a proposal by local officials to tax its barrels of booze was derailed before it could reach the Tennessee Legislature.
The Moore County Council in Lynchburg voted 10-5 Monday evening to rescind a vote asking lawmakers to authorize a local referendum on the proposal, which would have taxed Jack Daniel's up to $5 million annually with the revenue going to local coffers.
Charles Rogers of Lynchburg, who had spearheaded the effort, said the issue "is now on life support."
Jack Daniel's is the world's top-selling whiskey, distilled in the tiny town which has been celebrated in folksy, black-and-white advertisements for years.
State Rep. David Alexander, who represents Lynchburg and attended the meeting, said he considers the issue dead.
"It's the will of the people," he said of the council vote. "They have spoken."

Local,state,or federal,they will try and  choke the chicken until you have nothing left,endless the ways they try to steal your money.
If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,877
Registered: 08-01-2008

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

It would be nice for the local distiller to support community, but I'm sure their one of its best employers.
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,251
Registered: 06-01-2008

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

A whiskey song:
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake . . ."
--George Washington's Farewell Address
Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,017
Registered: 02-07-2008

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

And as such promote the community. Local taxes paid by their employees are a boon I'm sure.

dadssouper wrote:
It would be nice for the local distiller to support community, but I'm sure their one of its best employers.

And liberty and justice for all,
Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniels whiskey derailed

Raising taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco has always been low hanging fruit. Alcohol produces more diseases and had contributed to more car accidents and has destroyed more families and careers than all of the other Class II substances combined. Tobacco has the dubious distinction of being the one product in the world that will cause the premature death of more than half of its customers.

Time and time again... Communities have been impacted by large businesses that don't want to get involved in cleaning up after themselves. This is about a local community looking for some help from a company that has made hundreds and hundreds of millions over the years producing their product there, relying upon their regional assets, using them for advertising, and then not pitching in. We're so paranoid about not raising taxes on job creators that Jack Daniels is now looking more and more like Wal Mart. Anyone looked at the town in Arkansas where WalMart got its start? That isn't much of a town at all anymore. It is a dirty, cluttered, distribution depot littered with trucks, trailers, and so much emphasis on moving the product that quaint things like family values and quality of life are long forgotten vestiges of a long forgotten era. vroom vroom!

I would think that some hard hitting documentaries showing things in disrepair, how broke the local governments are, how disrupted the lives of families are, and how much the local corporations are making would have a far more effective result than hoping that the local government can enlist support.

Shame them enough and sales will plummet. Shame them enough and those guys will leave the boardroom to clime in their limos and drive right down to city hall with cash in hand and a team of civil engineers willing to pitch in to make their little community the prettiest and nicest place in America to live. Nary a month would go by without a ribbon cutting ceremony going on somewhere.

Jack Daniels has a faithful following of folks who like to rely upon consistent quality in a mid to mid-low range whiskey with a user friendly price point. Tradition only goes so far. When their customers begin to sour on them as a distributor, customers move away--sampling other products as they go. Many won't be back.

The attitude of "I'm better so you just have to live with my demands" is wearing thin. You can see that in things like Carolina Boots and Red Wing Boots. If you don't keep your eye on the ball and move with your customer base... You lose your market share. Ask the guys from Florshiem and Footrest. The guys from Maytag and Hershey are beginning to realize that lower production costs don't always translate into higher profits. They come with a cost in customer loyalty.

I know... You thought I was just another pretty liberal face. I'm a capitalist who watches and who cares about the communities we live in. I care about the quality of the country we live in. I care very much about domestic business. I like competition. Taxes? Wages? Until recently when some corporations found a way to get off Scot free, everyone used to pay taxes. Until we shipped enough jobs overseas that we now have tens of millions of people out of work... Everybody used to pay taxes. Wages? Wages = Demand. The reason the consumer base is soft on buying is because most of us aren't making enough to buy anything. We're supplementing with credit and borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.

Taxes aren't a bad word. They are what comes with living in a first rate country. If you don't pay them... You aren't going to be first rate for very long.

Wages? Raise those import tariffs back up and domestic production will return. With that comes a balance between under employment and labor shortages. That means more wages and more revenues. That means balance budgets and social security supplemental income for folks who have earned it.

Jack Daniels? They are trying to squirm out from under the whole idea that businesses should care about the communities they are in. If they turn their back on their community, there will be customers who return the favor--turning their backs on Jack Daniels. They might be surprised to find that their demographics isn't filled with thick minded, hazy-brained, unthinking drunks who live to push money over the counter at them.

We see. We think. With each day, more and more of us are voting our convictions by who we patronize. The courts and congress have affirmed that money is voice. ... Yeah? Back at you.

"You cannot negotiate with people who say 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Quartz Contributor
Posts: 3,483
Registered: 02-15-2011

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

They will keep pushing the envelope given the opportunity.  At least here they were stopped.  How far back was it the Fed went after the guitar maker because of the wood he used to make his picks.  It doesn't matter if the business is big or small, it's when they set their sights on a target.  I wonder how many gun store owners were threatened when they refused to go along with selling their merchandise to the bad guys for the ATF and/or DOJ? 
Platinum Star Contributor
Posts: 37,060
Registered: 04-04-2008

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

This part from the article grabbed my attention:

The 145-year-old distillery, owned by Louisville, Ky.-based Brown-Forman Corp., now pays $1.5 million in local property taxes. Distillery officials had opposed the measure, saying Jack Daniel's is already paying its fair share.
Members of the legislature had said the proposal had little chance of passing.
The distillery, tucked away on 1,700 hilly acres in south-central Tennessee, has 450 employees, making it the largest industry in the small county. About 210,000 people visit the distillery annually, qualifying it as a top tourist draw in Tennessee.
Ironically, Moore County is dry, meaning the iconic Old No. 7 cannot be legally sold in the county, just distilled.

They offer the largest employment base in the county (this means jobs), pay a good amount of local property tax (1.5 million annually), are a top tourist attraction (means more $$ for the community) AND the county is "dry" which means the people living there are not being hurt by alcohol consumption.  Sounds like the county was getting greedy for more than it's fair share.  Maybe this is one of the reasons why we have lost so many companies to overseas operations.:smileywink:
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,120
Registered: 04-16-2009

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniels whiskey derailed

Old saying, never mix politics, social justice, or morals, with Whiskey! Considering the plight of the economy in general I fail to see how raising taxes on Alcohol will solve anything other then to raise costs and we all know as costs rises alternatives are sought.
Quartz Contributor
Posts: 3,483
Registered: 02-15-2011

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

Excess tax on specific items are a great way of control.  Social engineering.  Tax things like cigarettes, alcohol or gas and more, to the point of it being a luxury or just to expensive to afford.  As far as finding alternatives, that is part of the current agendas out of the liberal run Wahsington.  Stop mining, drilling, producing our own energy, smart grids to control our use, carbon taxes and out of control health insurance companies left unhindered to raise policies to exorbitant prices.  People are mandated or taxed into the governmental way.  And they get to roll around in the money they make off of it and us.     
Ruby Contributor
Posts: 15,599
Registered: 07-19-2007

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

dadssouper wrote:
It would be nice for the local distiller to support community, but I'm sure their one of its best employers.

They already do support the community and the community would be a no man's land without them.

It's another case of a community cannot make ends meet so they are going after deep pockets.  But there's a caveat for that.  "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,726
Registered: 02-18-2010

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

It was proven Prohibition was an abject failure spawning some of the worst criminals in our history to include elected officials. In the last 20 years the restrictions on beer was finally eased and now micro-brewers are a good business. Alcohol vs Cigarettes and just how much can a local, state, or federal Government can steal from them because of the social issues. The reality is the social programs that are out of control and cannot be funded unless you steal more from a local business that is successful.

Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,749
Registered: 10-20-2010

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

Go after wine.  Tax the ever-lovin' bejesus out of it and make the hanky-waving liberal pansies pay THEIR fair share.  While you're at it quintuple the tax on crackers, cheese, caviar and pate de fois gras.  The Kerrys and Heinzes of the world would evaporate.  Leave the working man alone for a bleedin' change. 

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 663
Registered: 10-29-2010

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

Dadgum revenooers, anyway
Stand Up To Speak Out
Speak Up To Stand Out
Say yo' peace,my Brother
Platinum Star Contributor
Posts: 37,060
Registered: 04-04-2008

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

Fer sure....white lightening sets me on fire!

mikstov33 wrote:
Dadgum revenooers, anyway

Platinum Star Contributor
Posts: 37,060
Registered: 04-04-2008

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,319
Registered: 02-02-2009

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

While I agree that alcohol and tobacco are "sins", there is only so much you can tax them before it becomes useless and people start finding other methods to get their booze and cigs...
Since when did fiscal responsibility become such a radical idea?
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,381
Registered: 09-11-2007

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

Raising taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco has always been low hanging fruit. Alcohol produces more diseases and had contributed to more car accidents and has destroyed more families and careers than all of the other Class II substances combined. Tobacco has the dubious distinction of being the one product in the world that will cause the premature death of more than half of its customers.

Please stop spreading all the lies.  Alcohol and tobacco do nothing!!! If I take one drink I will not get a disease. NONSENSE!!!! Stop it!!! If I smoke one cigarette I will not get cancer. NONSENSE!!!! Now humans do all kinds of things to there bodies and overindulge in many things. So stop with the BS!!! You libs just can't help yourselves. In your socialists minds a gun actually kills people. Stop the lies!!!!
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniels whiskey derailed

Raising taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco has always been low hanging fruit. Alcohol produces more diseases and had contributed to more car accidents and has destroyed more families and careers than all of the other Class II substances combined. Tobacco has the dubious distinction of being the one product in the world that will cause the premature death of more than half of its customers.

Please stop spreading all the lies.  Alcohol and tobacco do nothing!!! If I take one drink I will not get a disease. NONSENSE!!!! Stop it!!! If I smoke one cigarette I will not get cancer. NONSENSE!!!! Now humans do all kinds of things to there bodies and overindulge in many things. So stop with the BS!!! You libs just can't help yourselves. In your socialists minds a gun actually kills people. Stop the lies!!!!

We hear you. No need to shout. Go for a walk. Shake it off. Take a deep breath. You sound really upset and you're throwing all-or-none statements around like there is no tomorrow. No... Unless you have a particular malady or are on some kind of medication that doesn't mix with alcohol... One drink isn't going to toast you. Alcoholism takes time, practice, and discipline. You can't just order out for a cirrhotic liver. Tobacco also takes repeated and ongoing exposures to have a deleterious effect on you.

Yes... I know about these things. I've studied them, been educated so I could council folks on addictions and chemical dependence, and watched folks die. The statistics aren't liberal, progressive, or socialist... They are statistics that are gleaned from empirical evidence. Tobacco kills about half of its customers. Alcohol is responsible for more diseases, broken marriages, lost jobs, fatal traffic accidents than all of the other illicit drugs combined.

Nobody said anything about guns on this thread. You did. The gun laws that permit people to continue to have firearms are there in part because there are folks on both sides of the aisle who support our right to bear arms. Do guns kill people? If mishandled or when wielded by folks with ill-intent... Yes, they will do what they are designed to do. I grew up with rifles, shotguns... Varmint rifles. They're great tools... Especially if you're a farmer or rancher. They're great for shooting skeet and for hunting. Sidearms are designed specifically for human to human confrontations. Most policemen and security folks would describe them as an indispensable tool. Anyone who travels alone, lives alone, or lives in a situation where they are at risk, will tell you that having a response to an attack is better than not having one. Most of us who camp know that there are times when a firearm is handy. Those libs you keep badmouthing aren't lock-stepping down one side of this debate. Many of them are gun owners themselves. They don't know you and they don't hate you.

Walk it off.

"You cannot negotiate with people who say 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,611
Registered: 09-18-2007

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniel's whiskey derailed

These local yocals probably believe their beloved distillery would never, ever leave their beautiful countryside, much less for something as simple as a more business friendly environment...then again, perhaps they thought better after this, article snippet:

Michigan House Speaker Jase Bolger earlier this month wrote a letter to Jack Daniel's GM Tommy Beam in a bid to convince him that Michigan's abundant fresh water and business-friendly tax code would be the perfect climate for his distillery.

dimsum2 wrote:

dadssouper wrote:
It would be nice for the local distiller to support community, but I'm sure their one of its best employers.

They already do support the community and the community would be a no man's land without them.

It's another case of a community cannot make ends meet so they are going after deep pockets.  But there's a caveat for that.  "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

The most
Indifferent things...provoke the
Exercise of the
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,381
Registered: 09-11-2007

Re: Proposal to tax Jack Daniels whiskey derailed

We hear you. No need to shout. Go for a walk. Shake it off. Take a deep breath. You sound really upset and you're throwing all-or-none statements around like there is no tomorrow.
Not shouting or upset. Just passionate. You know like Italians. Anyway you claim you are educated then show it. Humans do what humans do. Not tobacco not alcohol. The gun thing I threw in cuz I thought the easier the analogy it might sink in. I was wrong. So I will go with easier ones in the future. By the way I do respect your thoughtfulness but it's just the depth sometimes that causes my passion to come up to the surface.  I will say it clearly NO JACK DANIELS HAS KILLED ANYBODY!!! Not shouting just think of passion. LOL
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein

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