Thursday, December 15, 2011

Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007
Riot Squads? 

At present 100 percent of the GOP representation does what industry tells it to do. At least 50% of the Democrats are following along on that same path... Kowtowing to industries. That means that at least 75% of the representation we're getting is profits over patriotism. That means that we're paying the price in lost wages, lost investments, lost jobs, lost dreams, and taxes we can't keep up with. That means that 99% of the people are getting less than 25% of the representation, a guilt trip, and a kick in the privates for our trouble.

The authorities are doing what authorities do in these situations... They're turning the local law enforcement against the citizens. Those local authorities are supposed to be the last line of defense in protecting the people. They're failing to do that. We've seen it before. Will this stop? No. This is most likely just the beginning. The 99ers are just getting started. Expect a lot of grumbling while they regroup and reorganize and build momentum. After a while we'll see more skirmishes. Eventually they'll get their second wind and will become the majority. Why?

Because they are fighting for us all.
Because they are fighting for the middle class to be heard.
Because they are right.

The local police are to serve and protect. They are the last line of defense for America's citizens. Instead of defending the people's freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.. They brought rain.

"You cannot negotiate with people who say 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Patriotic Rockstar
Posts: 105,842
Registered: 06-09-2007
Hooray for the Riot Squads!    Thank Goodness we have them!
Brass Contributor
Posts: 4,299
Registered: 01-07-2009
The police are not there to protect the non-existant 'right' for people to illegally camp in public parks, urinate and defecate in the streets, stage concerts without security or permits, or disrupt traffic and/or commerce.
//If 'con' is the opposite of 'pro', is congress the opposite of progress?//
Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,269
Registered: 10-15-2008
The police (a.k.a. Riot squads) are here to protect me... Good luck to all of them and may *diety* bless them.
I "protested" - it's not hard to stay within the limits of the law.

These people do not speak for me and they are not fighting for me... You can have them

There is more than one side to every story

Then there's this...
More billionaires that never had a job outside academia. They don't speak for me either

These people do - they are real

Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007

Re: Police, protesters clash in Atlanta, Oakland

[ Edited ]
You can talk about what needs to be improved in our government...
     As long as you don't mind having all of your communications surveilled and a file kept on you and your associates.
You are inocent until proven...
     Broke... or not for big businesses... or untill someone accuses you of being a terrorist.
You have a right to a speedy trial...
...some of the time.
You can have freedom of press...
     As long as all news comes from prescribed networks and all solutions meet with party approval.
You can have freedom of assembly...
     So long as you have permit.
You can have freedom of speech...
     So long as you speak for party.
Now I can Breathe!
     .....Do you have permit? 

The local law enforcement is there to serve and protect. Those cops are to defend the people when >75% of the representation is marching to the orders of a few despotic, tyrannical plutocrats.

Like that's really workin...

Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007

Re: Police, protesters clash in Atlanta, Oakland

[ Edited ]
You can talk about what needs to be improved in our government...
     As long as you don't mind having all of your communications surveilled and a file kept on you and your associates.
You are inocent until proven...
     Broke... or not for big businesses... or untill someone accuses you of being a terrorist.
You have a right to a speedy trial...
...some of the time.
You can have freedom of press...
     As long as all news comes from prescribed networks and all solutions meet with party approval.
You can have freedom of assembly...
     So long as you have permit.
You can have freedom of speech...
     So long as you speak for party.
Now I can Breathe!
     .....Do you have permit?

The local law enforcement is there to serve and protect. Those cops are to defend the people when >75% of the representation is marching to the orders of a few despotic, tyrannical plutocrats.

Like that's really workin...

 She needs us now. 

"You cannot negotiate with people who say 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Quartz Contributor
Posts: 3,056
Registered: 02-12-2007
Why endanger the troops of the riot squads? I say a couple of Caterpillar bulldozers would work just as well. :smileyvery-happy:
Frequent Contributor
Posts: 808
Registered: 02-17-2010
Sure glad that I'm not in the National Guard.
Regular Contributor
Posts: 518
Registered: 09-09-2010
Enough is enough already, the fat greedy Wall St barons are raking in the cash hand over fist no matter how many signs the protesters wave, people who make less than 30k have to work too and the protesters are messing them up.
If you want to protest here is the way to do it, organize a national strike. EVERYONE stays home on one day, no work, no shopping, no travel, don't even go to the hospital unless you are seriously in need. ONE DAY without trade or commerce of any kind.
The fat greedy barons hear you, and they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Regular Contributor
Posts: 518
Registered: 09-09-2010

Enough is enough already, the fat greedy Wall St geeks are raking in the cash hand over fist no matter how many signs the protesters wave, people who make less than 30k have to work too and the protesters are messing them up.
If you want to protest here is the way to do it, organize a national strike. EVERYONE stays home on one day, no work, no shopping, no travel, don't even go to the hospital unless you are seriously hurting. ONE DAY without trade or commerce of any kind.

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