Thursday, December 15, 2011

Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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vfmin08 wrote:
I feel sorry for the Iraq vet, but these people DON'T represent me and my feelings.  I have NO desire to take anything from others that I didn't earn or deserve.  I make my tiny little paycheck, and I'm just happy to be able to pay my bills.  I don't begrudge anyone because of what they have acquired or because they are successful.  All I want is jobs for Americans.  That is all.  I don't want to take anything from anyone else, and I blame my government for allowing themselves to be sold out.  
These protestors need to protest WITHIN the law.  If the police tell them to do something, they HAVE to do it; just like the rest of us.  Sad that someone ended up getting hurt, but unfortunately that is what sometimes happens when your listening skills are subpar.  
I mean, where is the common sense.  If these "Wall Street bankers" are such bad and evil people, why would these protestors think for one minute that they are going to listen?  It just doesn't make any sense!  Go protest in front of the White House!  THEY have the power to make the changes that you seek!  

When jobs are exported for profit, it creates a glut of workers over here. As the supply of labor went up, the wages went down--hence the stagnant wages since the early 80s. When the financial district seized upon the opportunity to lend us money... Especially with interest rates that flapped in the wind... They were collaborating with the government and businesses so they could make money as we bought things from businesses (making them money) to buy the things we couldn't afford to buy on the wages our industries were willing to pay us. All of that came about via the collaborative efforts of our industries and government. We saw it in a procession of pot-shots at labor, unions, etc. We saw it in the massive exportation of jobs. We've seen it as American made products disappeared from our shelves. We've seen small businesses become less and less of the economic landscape of America. Where we had business owners before, we now have greeters at WalMart. The very fabric (the American Dream) of our middle class has been impugned. We've seen how the falling import tariffs have led to a precipitous decline in wages at home... Curtailing our purchasing power. We've seen artificial economic stimulants and the creation of a credit economy. Time and time again, the hyperbole was to ramp up national pride in individuals such as yourself , who set their jaws and think they've done their part to be good Americans by taking a smaller and smaller paycheck on the chin without complaint. In truth, they played you to get you to lay down. The reason your check is so small isn't because you weren't willing to work hard. It is small because we've all paid the price... Like a hidden tax, for the exorbitant profits that are being made on Wall Street and by Multinational importers. Being proud at how well you weathered being taken to the cleaners isn't helping you or your progeny.

Go back to basics. Look at the game of Monopoly. Everyone has played it. Everyone knows that the object of the game is to be the last man standing. The game produces losers. Everyone loses. In the end, the guy who got it all also loses inasmuch as he succeeds at breaking the economy. When nobody has any money, there is no one to buy your products or rent your facilities. You've got nothing.

I'm old enough to remember when a kid could graduate from high school, trot down to the local Montgomery Wards and buy a tape measure & hammer, and apprentice into a wage sufficient enough to buy his own home, get married, raise a family, drive a car that was less than 10 years old, and take two weeks vacation a year without going into debt. That was the bar. It was the standard. If you wanted a job, you could have one. Wages = Demand. We were a self-fueling economy. It was that kind of grass roots prosperity that enabled us to build the best infrastructure in the world, education for all, and, and, and... It worked.

The global economy is nice... But only if it doesn't put us all out of work or plunge us into a third word existence. You're hanging on by luck and good graces. Millions of people weren't so lucky. They didn't quit and lay down. They were pushed. The very same government that collaborated with deep pockets to grow that disparity of incomes is now sitting on their laurels carping about partisan planks rather than fixing the problems they themselves helped to create.

I'm not impressed by their lack of action. I am more impressed with the 99ers who are standing up for them and for you and so many other people who haven't figured it out yet. A country is only as strong as it's middle class. That was what the founders of this country originally intended. It was that stroke of genius that gave everyone a little skin in the game. We all pulled together to build this country... Now a limited few want to siphon off the profits and momentum and stick the rest of us with the bill.

I'm just sayin...

"You cannot negotiate with people who say 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,017
Registered: 02-07-2008

Re: Riot squads clear Wall St. Protests in 2 cities

[ New ]
I may not demonize large companies quite to the extent you do but I do have some issues with them & the banks.
What I do like:

  • Working for large corporations, or contracting for them has enabled me and many others to provide for my family. Keeping them well is my number one job in life.

What I don't like:

  • Certain manifestations of corporate personhood. I do not like the set up with lobbying our congress & paying for the current or future campaigns by those with the fattest wallet. Monsato comes to mind immediately. They have far too many hooks into our government & should be curbed. The corruption seems too deep to route out such as these. Banks getting laws written in their favor, etc, etc. The list is almost endless at this point. How to change around our way of doing business in congress seems to be the biggest hurdle in this whole debacle. The OWS folks need a little direction in this IMHO. Finding one party in favor over another in this ongoing crisis will not solve our problems but simply continue it all.
  • Violence by either the OWS crowd (of which I've heard none) or violence by the police. Why is violence a requirement for change?

I don't see much coming out of this camping out business. More could be and should be done through voting.

And liberty and justice for all,
Bronze Star Contributor
Posts: 7,127
Registered: 09-10-2007

Re: Riot squads clear Wall St. Protests in 2 cities

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Sounds like a good start.
Bronze Star Contributor
Posts: 7,127
Registered: 09-10-2007

Re: Police, protesters clash in Atlanta, Oakland

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What these protestors fail to realize is that THEY are denying the rest of us the right to use these grounds that THEY have forcibly occupied and appropiated  for THEIR exclusive use.
Regular Contributor
Posts: 431
Registered: 06-01-2008

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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24- year- old  Iraq War Veteran SCOTT OLSEN

What was his crime?
Speaking the truth?
Using his right to protest the corruption 
of the 1% in this country?

Has our country been so busy "exporting freedom"
that we have none left here?

"Clashed With Police"
What clash?
I've not seen any "clash" in all the videos I've watched.

Aren't the main media outlets owned by the !%?

Why is it our government praised the people
in the Middle Eastern nations
who rose up against tyranny and injustice
and condemned their governments attempts
to express their rights to be heard?

Should there not be the same praise
for Americans that (allegedly)
have the right to express their feelings?

I am grateful for SCOTT OLSEN,
and all the brave souls,
who are showing their patriotism 
by speaking out in public places against the 1%
in an effort to keep democracy for the 99%
Bronze Star Contributor
Posts: 5,565
Registered: 10-17-2007

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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OldeSpy wrote:

vfmin08 wrote:
I feel sorry for the Iraq vet, but these people DON'T represent me and my feelings.  I have NO desire to take anything from others that I didn't earn or deserve.  I make my tiny little paycheck, and I'm just happy to be able to pay my bills.  I don't begrudge anyone because of what they have acquired or because they are successful.  All I want is jobs for Americans.  That is all.  I don't want to take anything from anyone else, and I blame my government for allowing themselves to be sold out.  
These protestors need to protest WITHIN the law.  If the police tell them to do something, they HAVE to do it; just like the rest of us.  Sad that someone ended up getting hurt, but unfortunately that is what sometimes happens when your listening skills are subpar.  
I mean, where is the common sense.  If these "Wall Street bankers" are such bad and evil people, why would these protestors think for one minute that they are going to listen?  It just doesn't make any sense!  Go protest in front of the White House!  THEY have the power to make the changes that you seek!  

When jobs are exported for profit, it creates a glut of workers over here. As the supply of labor went up, the wages went down--hence the stagnant wages since the early 80s. When the financial district seized upon the opportunity to lend us money... Especially with interest rates that flapped in the wind... They were collaborating with the government and businesses so they could make money as we bought things from businesses (making them money) to buy the things we couldn't afford to buy on the wages our industries were willing to pay us. All of that came about via the collaborative efforts of our industries and government. We saw it in a procession of pot-shots at labor, unions, etc. We saw it in the massive exportation of jobs. We've seen it as American made products disappeared from our shelves. We've seen small businesses become less and less of the economic landscape of America. Where we had business owners before, we now have greeters at WalMart. The very fabric (the American Dream) of our middle class has been impugned. We've seen how the falling import tariffs have led to a precipitous decline in wages at home... Curtailing our purchasing power. We've seen artificial economic stimulants and the creation of a credit economy. Time and time again, the hyperbole was to ramp up national pride in individuals such as yourself , who set their jaws and think they've done their part to be good Americans by taking a smaller and smaller paycheck on the chin without complaint. In truth, they played you to get you to lay down. The reason your check is so small isn't because you weren't willing to work hard. It is small because we've all paid the price... Like a hidden tax, for the exorbitant profits that are being made on Wall Street and by Multinational importers. Being proud at how well you weathered being taken to the cleaners isn't helping you or your progeny.

Go back to basics. Look at the game of Monopoly. Everyone has played it. Everyone knows that the object of the game is to be the last man standing. The game produces losers. Everyone loses. In the end, the guy who got it all also loses inasmuch as he succeeds at breaking the economy. When nobody has any money, there is no one to buy your products or rent your facilities. You've got nothing.

I'm old enough to remember when a kid could graduate from high school, trot down to the local Montgomery Wards and buy a tape measure & hammer, and apprentice into a wage sufficient enough to buy his own home, get married, raise a family, drive a car that was less than 10 years old, and take two weeks vacation a year without going into debt. That was the bar. It was the standard. If you wanted a job, you could have one. Wages = Demand. We were a self-fueling economy. It was that kind of grass roots prosperity that enabled us to build the best infrastructure in the world, education for all, and, and, and... It worked.

The global economy is nice... But only if it doesn't put us all out of work or plunge us into a third word existence. You're hanging on by luck and good graces. Millions of people weren't so lucky. They didn't quit and lay down. They were pushed. The very same government that collaborated with deep pockets to grow that disparity of incomes is now sitting on their laurels carping about partisan planks rather than fixing the problems they themselves helped to create.

I'm not impressed by their lack of action. I am more impressed with the 99ers who are standing up for them and for you and so many other people who haven't figured it out yet. A country is only as strong as it's middle class. That was what the founders of this country originally intended. It was that stroke of genius that gave everyone a little skin in the game. We all pulled together to build this country... Now a limited few want to siphon off the profits and momentum and stick the rest of us with the bill.

I'm just sayin...

Yeah!  Just what I was going to say.   :smileywink:
It's not what you don't know that can hurt you, it's what you do know that just ain't so.
Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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I hadn't seen this photo before. His pupils are blown. There is a reason why he is in critical condition. Look at his tee shirt. The cop that hit him with the flash-bang had to know that he was shooting someone who had served and who had earned the right to be heard. When this hits the net in the middle-east, it will be the greatest demoralizing thing that could happen to our troups. This is what they're fighting for... To come back to a country that may be different... Yet it is as oppressive in different ways as the countries they've been fighting in.

Isn't it a pity.
"You cannot negotiate with people who say 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Brass Contributor
Posts: 3,696
Registered: 02-04-2008

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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Check his web blog out.......................he needs a lot of attention for more than external wounds.
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,946
Registered: 12-02-2008

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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Razor77 wrote:

When you hang out with the unruly mob bad things may happen. 

Also, the article says  "allegedly"  hit by a police canister. 

Who knows, he may have been mugged by the large criminal element that is surely at these hippie-style camp outs.

Actually, you don't need to assume a criminal element related to the protest.  For anyone who isn't aware, Oakland is on par with South Central Los Angeles, Detroit, Washington DC, and the rougher parts of New York City with respect to crime and gang violence.

It is anything but a safe city. 
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution" Abraham Lincoln
What is a moderate interpretation of the constitution, half way between what is says, and what you want it to say?-- Justice Scalia
Quartz Contributor
Posts: 3,229
Registered: 05-15-2007

Re: Riot squads clear Wall St. Protests in 2 cities

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      At what point do they stop making laws and infringement that allow us to use our so called freedoms ? When the problems the protesters want addressed are heard and reacted upon by those in power ... Then the parks will be vacated. They parks are for the people .. All the people, not just the brainless, apolitical zombies.
      Like sheep Americans allow our government to pass laws that infringe on our freedoms - Laws like disorderly conduct which the term "disorderly" is never really clarified and is up to the discretion of the arresting officer. They keep making laws to beat the 99% down ... The same laws that are used to protect the 1% . If the city would put in Porta Johns then people would not have to defecate in the streets - Do you not understand that by arresting these protesters you wind up increasing their fold .. When one falls, two rise up. These are not unwashed hippies and the jobless that are protesting, these people are us - the vanquished middle class, and we demand to be heard.

Senorde Sol wrote:
The police are not there to protect the non-existant 'right' for people to illegally camp in public parks, urinate and defecate in the streets, stage concerts without security or permits, or disrupt traffic and/or commerce.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
Will make violent revolution inevitable.."
-John F. Kennedy
Brass Contributor
Posts: 4,299
Registered: 01-07-2009

PaganSun wrote:

      At what point do they stop making laws and infringement that allow us to use our so called freedoms ? When the problems the protesters want addressed are heard and reacted upon by those in power ... Then the parks will be vacated. They parks are for the people .. All the people, not just the brainless, apolitical zombies.
      Like sheep Americans allow our government to pass laws that infringe on our freedoms - Laws like disorderly conduct which the term "disorderly" is never really clarified and is up to the discretion of the arresting officer. They keep making laws to beat the 99% down ... The same laws that are used to protect the 1% . If the city would put in Porta Johns then people would not have to defecate in the streets - Do you not understand that by arresting these protesters you wind up increasing their fold .. When one falls, two rise up. These are not unwashed hippies and the jobless that are protesting, these people are us - the vanquished middle class, and we demand to be heard.

Senorde Sol wrote:
The police are not there to protect the non-existant 'right' for people to illegally camp in public parks, urinate and defecate in the streets, stage concerts without security or permits, or disrupt traffic and/or commerce.

All privlige, no responsibility. Is that our way now?

You say the parks are for the people, that you can camp out for as long as you wish -without permits- but it is the CITY'S responsibility to make sure you have sanitation. So it's the city's job to adapt the park for needs for which it was never intended to accomodate YOU.

This is EXACTLY what turns me off to OWS: you want SOMEONE ELSE to take care of your needs while you do whatever you want. Sorry; no! Take some responsibility for yourself! You want to stage a demonstration? FINE! Get the permits, and do it peacefully. Plan on being there for awhile? Well that's probably illegal so at the very least, don't expect the city to spend tax payer dollars to help you. Nut up, and make sure your demonstrators aren't going to be living in filth.

But that would take some planning, wouldn't it? That would be doing something other than complaining. That would be *gasp* taking responsibility!

//If 'con' is the opposite of 'pro', is congress the opposite of progress?//
Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 13,383
Registered: 07-08-2007

TVMADoc wrote:

Razor77 wrote:

When you hang out with the unruly mob bad things may happen. 

Also, the article says  "allegedly"  hit by a police canister. 

Who knows, he may have been mugged by the large criminal element that is surely at these hippie-style camp outs.

Actually, you don't need to assume a criminal element related to the protest.  For anyone who isn't aware, Oakland is on par with South Central Los Angeles, Detroit, Washington DC, and the rougher parts of New York City with respect to crime and gang violence.

It is anything but a safe city.

You're really going to have a hard time selling us on the "it wasn't me. It was the one armed man," defense. The guy was about 10 foot in front of a wall of officers who were intently attending the crowd this guy was in... And you want us to believe that a lone gunman, a fellow from the grassy knoll, a fellow from the stage leapt to the box this guy was in and pranged him right in front of a wall of cops (unnoticed) and on the edge of that crowd?

Somebody has really been hitting those cheap street drugs.

"If you're going to lie, make it big. Make it simple. Repeat it enough and the people will begin to believe you."
Adolph Hitler.

"You cannot negotiate with people who say 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Brass Contributor
Posts: 3,509
Registered: 10-12-2006
Occupy Oakland and the Militarization of America's Police

Make no mistake about it: The actions of the police department in Oakland last night were a military assaulton a legitimate political demonstration. If you are a police department in this country in 2011, this is something you do because you have the power and the technology and the license from society to do it. This is a problem that has been brewing for a long time. It predates the Occupy movement for more than a decade. It even predates the "war on terror," although that has acted as what the arson squad would call an "accelerant" to the essential dynamic. Basic law enforcement in this country is thoroughly, totally militarized. It is militarized at its most basic levels. (The "street crime units," so beloved by, among other people, the Diallo family.) It is militarized at its highest command positions. It is militarized in its tactics, and its weaponry and, most important of all, in the attitude of the officers themselves, and in how they are trained. There is a vast militarized intelligence apparatus that leads, inevitably, to pre-emptive military actions, like the raids on protest organizations that were carried out in advance of the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minneapolis. Sooner or later, this militarized law enforcement was going to collide head-on with a movement of mass public protest, and the results were going to be ugly. (There already had been dry runs elsewhere, most notably in Miami, in 2003, during protestsof a meeting of trade ministers.)
The The Military Industrial Complex isn't satisfied with just starting wars for profit.

Posts: 123
Registered: 09-29-2011
well you do reap what you sow. if he hadnt been protesting for facsist ideals he wouldnt be in this situation. next time duck!!!
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,151
Registered: 07-11-2011
So, we should take a vote, and if it is determined we do not like what the protestors are saying we can kill them (they darn near did kill the kid) There would be alot fewer tea partiers around if that were the case.

deltoro wrote:
well you do reap what you sow. if he hadnt been protesting for facsist ideals he wouldnt be in this situation. next time duck!!!

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,250
Registered: 06-01-2008
Now, that's what I call Real Class Warfare.
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake . . ."
--George Washington's Farewell Address
Posts: 32
Registered: 10-20-2011

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ Edited ]

Now, that's what I call Real Class Warfare.

I take offense at that, WAH WAH WAH, I'm reporting you to the MODS------sound familar
Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,017
Registered: 02-07-2008
Hippie-style? I ws thinking more along the lines of beat-nicks. :smileyvery-happy:

Razor77 wrote:

When you hang out with the unruly mob bad things may happen. 

Also, the article says  "allegedly"  hit by a police canister. 

Who knows, he may have been mugged by the large criminal element that is surely at these hippie-style camp outs.

And liberty and justice for all,
Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,017
Registered: 02-07-2008

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ Edited ]
I have not heard of such problems as shooting tear gas at tea partiers or anything like what is going on now. I do recall reports that the sites the tea partiers went to were very clean after the events were over (when they went home & went back to work). :smileysurprised:

I don't like what is happening to these protestors though & certainly not what happened to this young man.

NotimpressedbyU wrote:

So, we should take a vote, and if it is determined we do not like what the protestors are saying we can kill them (they darn near did kill the kid) There would be alot fewer tea partiers around if that were the case.

deltoro wrote:
well you do reap what you sow. if he hadnt been protesting for facsist ideals he wouldnt be in this situation. next time duck!!!

And liberty and justice for all,
Frequent Contributor
Posts: 735
Registered: 10-11-2011

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ Edited ]

schofie wrote:
Hippie-style? I ws thinking more along the lines of beat-nicks. :smileyvery-happy:

Too bad Dobie isn't here to tell us what they mean.  I believe he spoke beatnik.  I don't know if he is still around?

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,592
Registered: 12-07-2007

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ New ]
Too bad Dobie isn't here to tell us what they mean.  I believe he spoke beatnik.  I don't know if he is still around?

Alas I digress,
Dobie Gillis (Dwayne Hickman) American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1959 to 1963. Yes he's still alive @ 77
Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,242
Registered: 07-25-2007

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ New ]

Jalus wrote:
24- year- old  Iraq War Veteran SCOTT OLSEN

What was his crime?
Speaking the truth?
Using his right to protest the corruption 
of the 1% in this country?

Has our country been so busy "exporting freedom"
that we have none left here?

"Clashed With Police"
What clash?
I've not seen any "clash" in all the videos I've watched.

Aren't the main media outlets owned by the !%?

Why is it our government praised the people
in the Middle Eastern nations
who rose up against tyranny and injustice
and condemned their governments attempts
to express their rights to be heard?

Should there not be the same praise
for Americans that (allegedly)
have the right to express their feelings?

I am grateful for SCOTT OLSEN,
and all the brave souls,
who are showing their patriotism 
by speaking out in public places against the 1%
in an effort to keep democracy for the 99%

Detailed reports are now coming out that this fellow was with a veteran's GROUP joining in the protest.
Copper Contributor
Posts: 8,242
Registered: 07-25-2007

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ New ]

deltoro wrote:
well you do reap what you sow. if he hadnt been protesting for facsist ideals he wouldnt be in this situation. next time duck!!!

....and those "facsist" ideals would be what????
Bronze Star Contributor
Posts: 7,127
Registered: 09-10-2007

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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Ya pays yer dime, ya takes yer chance.
Posts: 104
Registered: 02-23-2008

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ New ]
allegedly being hit by a police projectile. LOL, those are the key words I bet he was hit by something coming from the protesters. Also they BROKE the law why baby them, I am not happy about things that are going on as well but the bottom line is they broke the law thats it. The POLICE have the right to protect themselves aw well
Posts: 123
Registered: 09-29-2011

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ New ]
these wall street protesters are bums even veterans who are dumb enought to believe the wealthy did this to them. it was the obama regime and their constant bailouts of the unions and fanny may. if your going to protest please do it where the blame belongs at the white house and congress. if you attack a person in uniform then expect to get it right back. cops arent there to take insults and  abuse. this veteran wasnt very bright attacking cops. so, he got nailed. a few more like him to  teach the rest of the protesters a lesson. GO TO OTHER COUNTRIES THAT EXCEPT THIS TYPE OF ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOR.
Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,280
Registered: 08-08-2009

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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217treat wrote:

Noein wrote:
One of the casualties of the corporate gestapo crackdown in Oakland.

  • An Iraq war veteran has a fractured skull and brain swelling after allegedly being hit by a police projectile.
  • Olsen, 24, suffered the head injury during protests in Oakland on Tuesday evening. More than 15 people were arrested after a crowd gathered to demonstrate against the police operation to clear two Occupy Oakland camps in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
  • "It's terrible to go over to Iraq twice and come back injured, and then get injured by the police that are supposed to be protecting us," he said.

The purpose of the police in corrupt fascist states is to oppress, not protect.

Those people were warned.  It is their fault.

In the first place it was a rubber bullet. In the second place you point is bunk. There is a thing is the law called the doctrine of reasonable force. Ask LEO's about it. The protesters were peaceful, there was no evidence of weapons and at best they were guilty of trespassing and or illegal camping.

Rubber bullets and tear gas and some of the use of force used which can be seen in videos is not reasonable or needed. It is however effective if your goal is intimidate people to not exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed rights. 
Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,280
Registered: 08-08-2009

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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VickHater wrote:
If he had stayed home, he wouldn't have that boo-boo in his head.
Just because he's a vet, doesn't make him smart or tough.  Just can't stir up any pity for the guy.

This and the other comments are why I am always clear that I see the righties for what they are. Not poltical opponents but quite simply enemies of the fundamental ideals the democracy was founded on. Also, people who only believe in democracy for those they agree with and vets who toe the line they believe is right.

Lets see what if Dr. King had stayed home, or Caesar Chavez or the founding fathers. All of whom are the real tradition of American democracy. 
Posts: 123
Registered: 09-29-2011

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

[ New ]
i'm not sure if your misguided or worse. liberalism is at best is socialism at worse is marxist communism. many of our young forgot why so many american died overseas and why the cia has a wall with NO NAMES and only black stars. american and americans have gotton weak and soft. in a sence we have become sheeple. we elect self serving thiefs into the white house and congress who openly steal from the people and use extorsion technecs to take from corporations and the wealthy. and like crack dealers they use welfare to heard sheeple. teachers in school are indoctrinating our children with sociallism and marxism denigrating american and our deals. we are proud americans and we are patriotic to the constitution and the flag. but we also have bad and unpatriotic americans amongs us who also vote unpatriotic americans into congress and the white house only to dilute and values mlk meant alot to a certain secter of our popluation. american values and tradition means something else to americans. but in no way is caezer chavez connected to either of the two nor does he belong in the same sentence.
Silver Star Contributor
Posts: 12,548
Registered: 05-11-2008

Re: Iraq vet in critical condition from tear gas canister

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I agree.....I'm pretty much a Vet of everything after Korea.  If I place myself in participation of protests with mobs....and there are police there for crowd control....

If I have not learned to follow instructions after all my years in the military.....and I get struck.....I darn well deserved it!

DA......and that's not District Attorney!!!

VickHater wrote:
If he had stayed home, he wouldn't have that boo-boo in his head.
Just because he's a vet, doesn't make him smart or tough.  Just can't stir up any pity for the guy.

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