11-08-2011 09:17 PM
I don't mean to insult anyone but that's two of the dumbest statements I've ever seen. Let me tell you why.
How about we make them friends? Because you can't be friends with someone who wants to kill you and destroy your home. If you try, you end up dead and your home ends up destroyed.
And no he's not right when he says you can't control enemies. Weren't we able to control Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII? Weren't we able to control Iraq when they invaded Kuwait? Weren't we able to control the Confederates in the Civil War and the British during the American Revolution? The Romans and the Persians and the Mongols were able to control their enemies. History is littered with examples of countries and empires controlling their enemies the idea that Ron Paul thinks these things further illustrates why he is a nut job and will never win a presidential election.
How about we make them friends? Because you can't be friends with someone who wants to kill you and destroy your home. If you try, you end up dead and your home ends up destroyed.
And no he's not right when he says you can't control enemies. Weren't we able to control Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII? Weren't we able to control Iraq when they invaded Kuwait? Weren't we able to control the Confederates in the Civil War and the British during the American Revolution? The Romans and the Persians and the Mongols were able to control their enemies. History is littered with examples of countries and empires controlling their enemies the idea that Ron Paul thinks these things further illustrates why he is a nut job and will never win a presidential election.
SanityFirst wrote:
This is going to turn out just like North Korea and Russia and China and Pakistan.....
Not a dang thing we can do about it, it is called progress.
Like Ron Paul said yesterday "Why do we need to fight with them, how about we make them friends?"
He is right, you can not EVER control enemies, but you can steer a friend.
So look, I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years, and my entire focus is making sure that I'm the best possible senator on behalf of the people of Illinois. - Barack Obama
11-08-2011 09:27 PM
I don't think Mr. Paul realizes that these people have no interest in being friends. In the case of islamic countries it is forbidden, I think.
ProfessorWhitey wrote:
I don't mean to insult anyone but that's two of the dumbest statements I've ever seen. Let me tell you why.
How about we make them friends? Because you can't be friends with someone who wants to kill you and destroy your home. If you try, you end up dead and your home ends up destroyed.
And no he's not right when he says you can't control enemies. Weren't we able to control Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII? Weren't we able to control Iraq when they invaded Kuwait? Weren't we able to control the Confederates in the Civil War and the British during the American Revolution? The Romans and the Persians and the Mongols were able to control their enemies. History is littered with examples of countries and empires controlling their enemies the idea that Ron Paul thinks these things further illustrates why he is a nut job and will never win a presidential election.
SanityFirst wrote:
This is going to turn out just like North Korea and Russia and China and Pakistan.....
Not a dang thing we can do about it, it is called progress.
Like Ron Paul said yesterday "Why do we need to fight with them, how about we make them friends?"
He is right, you can not EVER control enemies, but you can steer a friend.
11-09-2011 07:35 AM
How many times over the years have we heard that Iran is close to having Nuclear Arms? Seems like we just keep warning everyone about this, but the U.S. still sits back and does nothing except let them continue with their development of a Nuclear Bomb. They surely must have it ready by now. The U.S. will do nothing until they finally use it. Let's be their friend? Wasn't Obama supposed to have done this already?
2012 Let's Get REAL
11-09-2011 09:01 AM
True grandma, we have been hearing about it for years. In the last couple weeks, with this new report due from the IAEA and Israeli leadership blustering about imminent strikes upon Iran the tension has been stepped up a notch.
We have other UN agencies granting statehood to Palestine and Iran claiming that Palestine will cover from the "Jordan to the sea and nothing less".
Lots of posturing with puffed up chests. Seems like an attack upon Iran is going to happen soon. For the people of Iran I pray that it does not happen but I seriously think it will. Ahamanutob is now considered insignifigant by his own statesmen. Koehemeni saw to that in the last few months. Koehemeni is calling all the shots now and his answer leaves zero room for Israel or the USA in the picture.
I have a dear friend who is truly a saint. She visited Iran a couple years back to find out what the people themselves were like.
Sad to have war loom when I know the general populace are regular folks, just like you & me. They don't agree with their wild leaders & they don't have the hate in them for people of different countries or religions any more than we do. They are being carried in the wake of fanatics who control them.
I guess we are all controlled to a certain degree. Trying to weed out what controls I agree with & not just saddens me. The poor folks in Iran are not as free as we are and certainly not as free as they'd like to be.
I know now though that when the bombs start dropping that as in all wars, those who will die will have little interest in the hate that brought it about. The innocent will be hurt again.
We have other UN agencies granting statehood to Palestine and Iran claiming that Palestine will cover from the "Jordan to the sea and nothing less".
Lots of posturing with puffed up chests. Seems like an attack upon Iran is going to happen soon. For the people of Iran I pray that it does not happen but I seriously think it will. Ahamanutob is now considered insignifigant by his own statesmen. Koehemeni saw to that in the last few months. Koehemeni is calling all the shots now and his answer leaves zero room for Israel or the USA in the picture.
I have a dear friend who is truly a saint. She visited Iran a couple years back to find out what the people themselves were like.
Sad to have war loom when I know the general populace are regular folks, just like you & me. They don't agree with their wild leaders & they don't have the hate in them for people of different countries or religions any more than we do. They are being carried in the wake of fanatics who control them.
I guess we are all controlled to a certain degree. Trying to weed out what controls I agree with & not just saddens me. The poor folks in Iran are not as free as we are and certainly not as free as they'd like to be.
I know now though that when the bombs start dropping that as in all wars, those who will die will have little interest in the hate that brought it about. The innocent will be hurt again.
grandmajudy wrote:
How many times over the years have we heard that Iran is close to having Nuclear Arms? Seems like we just keep warning everyone about this, but the U.S. still sits back and does nothing except let them continue with their development of a Nuclear Bomb. They surely must have it ready by now. The U.S. will do nothing until they finally use it. Let's be their friend? Wasn't Obama supposed to have done this already?
And liberty and justice for all,
11-09-2011 09:48 AM
schofie wrote:
True grandma, we have been hearing about it for years. In the last couple weeks, with this new report due from the IAEA and Israeli leadership blustering about imminent strikes upon Iran the tension has been stepped up a notch.
We have other UN agencies granting statehood to Palestine and Iran claiming that Palestine will cover from the "Jordan to the sea and nothing less".
Lots of posturing with puffed up chests. Seems like an attack upon Iran is going to happen soon. For the people of Iran I pray that it does not happen but I seriously think it will. Ahamanutob is now considered insignifigant by his own statesmen. Koehemeni saw to that in the last few months. Koehemeni is calling all the shots now and his answer leaves zero room for Israel or the USA in the picture.
I have a dear friend who is truly a saint. She visited Iran a couple years back to find out what the people themselves were like.
Sad to have war loom when I know the general populace are regular folks, just like you & me. They don't agree with their wild leaders & they don't have the hate in them for people of different countries or religions any more than we do. They are being carried in the wake of fanatics who control them.
I guess we are all controlled to a certain degree. Trying to weed out what controls I agree with & not just saddens me. The poor folks in Iran are not as free as we are and certainly not as free as they'd like to be.
I know now though that when the bombs start dropping that as in all wars, those who will die will have little interest in the hate that brought it about. The innocent will be hurt again.
The people of iran are not regular folks. They are sheep who continue to follow a terrorist religion run by lunatic ayatollahs who want infidels dead. Plain and simple. This is what they believe, and no amount of trying to be touchy feely with them will change their way of thinking. (or lack of) I can only compare islam with the natzis from what I have read and see on the news broadcasts every day. And I do mean every day, that somewhere in the world, muslims are blowing up innocent people to get their way through terrorizing people. It seems to be working dosen't it. Little by little they are working their doctrine into colleges and governments around the world. People need to open their eyes not close them.
11-09-2011 10:43 AM
For some reason, this all sounds very familar.
Like I've seen it before.
Like I've seen it before.
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake . . ."
--George Washington's Farewell Address
--George Washington's Farewell Address
11-09-2011 11:17 AM
Did anybody on this EARTH think that Iran does not want nuclear weapons? The actions that the west will take will decide if we have a NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST after Iran unleashes one of it's weapons or if we will have a more conventional military intervention when the weapons and the ability of Iran to create them is destroyed?
11-09-2011 11:37 AM
notyouraveragejo wrote:
Then you too have been there and met with the general populace? I think not. You are making a broad statement that the whole of Iranians are somehow evil or intend bad things for the USA or the "west". This is simply not true.
schofie wrote:
True grandma, we have been hearing about it for years. In the last couple weeks, with this new report due from the IAEA and Israeli leadership blustering about imminent strikes upon Iran the tension has been stepped up a notch.
We have other UN agencies granting statehood to Palestine and Iran claiming that Palestine will cover from the "Jordan to the sea and nothing less".
Lots of posturing with puffed up chests. Seems like an attack upon Iran is going to happen soon. For the people of Iran I pray that it does not happen but I seriously think it will. Ahamanutob is now considered insignifigant by his own statesmen. Koehemeni saw to that in the last few months. Koehemeni is calling all the shots now and his answer leaves zero room for Israel or the USA in the picture.
I have a dear friend who is truly a saint. She visited Iran a couple years back to find out what the people themselves were like.
Sad to have war loom when I know the general populace are regular folks, just like you & me. They don't agree with their wild leaders & they don't have the hate in them for people of different countries or religions any more than we do. They are being carried in the wake of fanatics who control them.
I guess we are all controlled to a certain degree. Trying to weed out what controls I agree with & not just saddens me. The poor folks in Iran are not as free as we are and certainly not as free as they'd like to be.
I know now though that when the bombs start dropping that as in all wars, those who will die will have little interest in the hate that brought it about. The innocent will be hurt again.
The people of iran are not regular folks. They are sheep who continue to follow a terrorist religion run by lunatic ayatollahs who want infidels dead. Plain and simple. This is what they believe, and no amount of trying to be touchy feely with them will change their way of thinking. (or lack of) I can only compare islam with the natzis from what I have read and see on the news broadcasts every day. And I do mean every day, that somewhere in the world, muslims are blowing up innocent people to get their way through terrorizing people. It seems to be working dosen't it. Little by little they are working their doctrine into colleges and governments around the world. People need to open their eyes not close them.
If you want my opinion on Islam you can look at my avatar or PM me & I will give it. Humanity is not an evil thing in any race, color, creed.
Now hear me this: I once thought as you do. I have since learned that these ideas are untrue.
Peace unaverage one. Peace.
And liberty and justice for all,
[ New ]11-10-2011 05:32 PM
Does this sci-fi delusion of yours include any reverse paranoia about the vulnerability of communist networks, or is that too "coginative" for you?
WASHINGTON—America's critical computer networks are so vulnerable to attack that it should deter U.S. leaders from going to war with other nations, a former top U.S. cybersecurity official said Monday.Richard Clarke, a top adviser to three presidents, joined a number of U.S. military and civilian experts in offering a dire assessment of America's cybersecurity at a conference, saying the country simply can't protect its critical networks.Clarke said if he was advising the president he would warn against attacking other countries because so many of them -- including China, North Korea, Iran and Russia -- could retaliate by launching devastating cyberattacks that could destroy power grids, banking networks or transportation systems.The U.S. military, he said, is entirely dependent on computer systems and could end up in a future conflict in which troops trot out onto a battlefield "and nothing works."
I really do not know how accurate this report is. Even if it is only partially correct, this could spell disastrous ramifications for our OFFENSE AND DEFENSIVE military operating systems.
[ New ]11-10-2011 07:48 PM
veritas wrote: Does this sci-fi delusion of yours include any reverse paranoia about the vulnerability of communist networks, or is that too "coginative" for you?
It is spelled COGNITIVE not COGNATIVE. No further response will you invoke from me.
[ New ]11-10-2011 08:43 PM
And no he's not right when he says you can't control enemies. Weren't we able to control Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII? Weren't we able to control Iraq when they invaded Kuwait? Weren't we able to control the Confederates in the Civil War and the British during the American Revolution?
So let me get this straight. We go to war and win and then control enemies?
Where do you plan to get the money to pull this off?
And I will bet $100 that I am right about what to do and you are wrong.
Iran's people do not hate us the Iran Government does. Go to Iran and look around the people like the USA.
They know the Government of Iran hates the USA. This is not like Iraq where we were not even in the news.
They have a free press in Iran unlike Iraq.
Yea the government is bad, but if we support the people and not Iran government we would be better off long term.
Your solution would just make the rest of the area hate us more and create even more terrorists.
And no he's not right when he says you can't control enemies. Weren't we able to control Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII? Weren't we able to control Iraq when they invaded Kuwait? Weren't we able to control the Confederates in the Civil War and the British during the American Revolution?
So let me get this straight. We go to war and win and then control enemies?
Where do you plan to get the money to pull this off?
And I will bet $100 that I am right about what to do and you are wrong.
Iran's people do not hate us the Iran Government does. Go to Iran and look around the people like the USA.
They know the Government of Iran hates the USA. This is not like Iraq where we were not even in the news.
They have a free press in Iran unlike Iraq.
Yea the government is bad, but if we support the people and not Iran government we would be better off long term.
Your solution would just make the rest of the area hate us more and create even more terrorists.
[ New ]11-11-2011 01:56 AM
grandmajudy wrote:
How many times over the years have we heard that Iran is close to having Nuclear Arms? Seems like we just keep warning everyone about this, but the U.S. still sits back and does nothing except let them continue with their development of a Nuclear Bomb. They surely must have it ready by now. The U.S. will do nothing until they finally use it. Let's be their friend? Wasn't Obama supposed to have done this already?
Iran has every right to have a nuclear weapons. The United States government needs to stop policing the world and telling other country's what they can and can't have.
[ New ]11-12-2011 02:02 AM
Ok !!! Listen everybody
God about 3000 years ago tried diplomacy with these types of human beings. You know what happen? He had to destroy them because their hearts were hard. So when a country like Iran starts to act up again, you destroy it. Everything its written for a purpose. If we receive a warning we are to act on it and correct it. This form of government can not exist in this world. Lets get rid of it once and for all. I need to ask a question? Do Muslims believe in the GOD of Israel? And if they do? Why do many say DESTRUCTION to the ZIONIST. Isn't ALLAH the ZIONIST or is he a different GOD? Not once have I heard a Muslim say...... I believe in the GOD of Israel.
[ New ]11-12-2011 05:34 AM
Man I am sorry but you sound just as crazy as they do.
Spouting quotations from the holy book and saying god is on your side. Does this look familiar? Really does it?
I have said this over and over. "If you think god is on your side you are wrong. He is on my side. Prove me wrong."
See how crazy that sounds? How the heck would you know? God told me you do not!!
LOL gotcha...
Man I am sorry but you sound just as crazy as they do.
Spouting quotations from the holy book and saying god is on your side. Does this look familiar? Really does it?
I have said this over and over. "If you think god is on your side you are wrong. He is on my side. Prove me wrong."
See how crazy that sounds? How the heck would you know? God told me you do not!!
LOL gotcha...
[ New ]11-12-2011 09:45 AM
SanityFirst wrote:
Man I am sorry but you sound just as crazy as they do.
Spouting quotations from the holy book and saying god is on your side. Does this look familiar? Really does it?
I have said this over and over. "If you think god is on your side you are wrong. He is on my side. Prove me wrong."
See how crazy that sounds? How the heck would you know? God told me you do not!!
LOL gotcha...
Good one sanity but I'll take it one step further -
the helper wrote: You know what happen? He had to destroy them because their hearts were hard. So when a country like Iran starts to act up again, you destroy it.
When did the USA become GOD?
[ New ]11-12-2011 12:16 PM
It is Iran who invokes God not the US.
Ron_C wrote:
SanityFirst wrote:
Man I am sorry but you sound just as crazy as they do.
Spouting quotations from the holy book and saying god is on your side. Does this look familiar? Really does it?
I have said this over and over. "If you think god is on your side you are wrong. He is on my side. Prove me wrong."
See how crazy that sounds? How the heck would you know? God told me you do not!!
LOL gotcha...
Good one sanity but I'll take it one step further -
the helper wrote: You know what happen? He had to destroy them because their hearts were hard. So when a country like Iran starts to act up again, you destroy it.
When did the USA become GOD?
[ New ]11-12-2011 12:37 PM
Who cares? it is just more paronoid crap.Let Israel deal with them.Fix america.If they come here and pull something funny we blast only then.Stop these stupid wars!We have become worse that the Romans.Power hungry,fat,drunk imperialists.
[ New ]11-12-2011 03:52 PM
realizer wrote:
It is Iran who invokes God not the US.
Ron_C wrote:
SanityFirst wrote:
Man I am sorry but you sound just as crazy as they do.
Spouting quotations from the holy book and saying god is on your side. Does this look familiar? Really does it?
I have said this over and over. "If you think god is on your side you are wrong. He is on my side. Prove me wrong."
See how crazy that sounds? How the heck would you know? God told me you do not!!
LOL gotcha...
Good one sanity but I'll take it one step further -
the helper wrote: You know what happen? He had to destroy them because their hearts were hard. So when a country like Iran starts to act up again, you destroy it.
When did the USA become GOD?
Apparently over your head, read the posts again.
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