Thursday, December 15, 2011

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 Turkish pine nuts sold in bulk at Wegmans, an upscale grocery-store chain, have been linked to a salmonella outbreak that sent two people to hospitals and sickened 40 others in five East Coast states and Arizona.
Wegmans Food Markets Inc. said Thursday it has recalled 5,000 pounds of pine nuts imported from Turkey by Sunrise Commodities of Englewood Cliffs, N.J. They were sold between July 1 and Oct. 18 at its stores in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia and Maryland.
The Rochester, N.Y.-based chain said the recall applies only to Turkish pine nuts purchased in bulk. Wegmans placed automated calls to just over 13,000 customers who bought the nuts using the company's Shoppers Club discount card, spokeswoman Jo Natale said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 26 people were sickened in New York, eight in Pennsylvania, four in Virginia, two in New Jersey and one person each in Arizona and Maryland. The Food and Drug Administration said it is investigating.
The CDC said people began getting sick Aug. 20 and two patients were hospitalized in undisclosed locations. No deaths have been linked to the outbreak.
Federal officials said Wegmans has cooperated in all aspects of the recall and investigation.
Salmonella bacteria can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. In some cases, the diarrhea may be so severe that the patient needs to be hospitalized.

Listeria in fruit,feces in lettuce,salmonella in pine nuts,tainted meat, natural gas in drinking, Don't we have government agencies to check on  what we eat and drink is safe?,we are being poisoned...............

If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,151
Registered: 07-11-2011
Our government is very limited. I suppose a huge tea party victory next year and we can disolve the FDA entirely. Rely on free market solutions, change where you shop as people die.
Bronze Star Contributor
Posts: 6,406
Registered: 06-24-2009
if we are, who's doing the poisoning, and why? Is this a secret plan Canadia's been putting in to effect since 1812 to take over the USA? or maybe Britania is trying to weaken this country so that one day the Union Jack will fly proudly over the New Brittish Empire?
WZOM Productions/In Your Phase New Media:
Jumping Ship at 2000' Since 1906
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Under provisions of the U.S. law contained in the U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, importers of food products intended for introduction into U.S. interstate commerce are responsible for ensuring that the products are safe, sanitary, and labeled according to U.S. requirements. (All imported food is considered to be interstate commerce.) FDA is not authorized under the law to approve, certify, license or otherwise sanction individual food importers, products, labels or shipments. Importers can import foods into the United States without prior sanction by FDA, as long as the facilities that produce, store or otherwise handle the products are registered with FDA, and prior notice of incoming shipments is provided to FDA. Imported food products are subject to FDA inspection when offered for import at U.S. ports of entry. FDA may detain shipments of products offered for import if the shipments are found not to be in compliance with U.S. requirements. Both imported and domestically-produced foods must meet the same legal requirements in the United States.

Kinda----- makes you wary of imported food stuff !!!!!

Brass Contributor
Posts: 4,252
Registered: 09-28-2008
Who eats pine nuts?
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,592
Registered: 12-07-2007

beans4u wrote:
Who eats pine nuts?

Not this Guy !!!!!!
Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,119
Registered: 11-06-2009

beans4u wrote:
Who eats pine nuts?


If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."
Bronze Star Contributor
Posts: 6,406
Registered: 06-24-2009
pine nuts are common in asian cooking.
WZOM Productions/In Your Phase New Media:
Jumping Ship at 2000' Since 1906
Bronze Star Contributor
Posts: 5,000
Registered: 03-25-2009
Apparently a lot of people, 13,000 customers from just this one store in a 2 month period.:smileysurprised:  This can't be the only store that imported pine nuts from Turkey.
beans4u wrote:
Who eats pine nuts?

2012 Let's Get REAL
Nickel Contributor
Posts: 10,551
Registered: 11-23-2007
They are an ingredient in pesto.
Think globally, act locally

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,381
Registered: 09-11-2007
"Listeria in fruit,feces in lettuce,salmonella in pine nuts,tainted meat, natural gas in drinking, Don't we have government agencies to check on  what we eat and drink is safe?,we are being poisoned"....

Gee wouldn't the world be a great place if it was PERFECT? I mean we are overrun with aliens bringing in food that was fertilized with you know what and there's about 300million people so some are going to get sick. And yes some are wait for it...Going to die. I wish God would have made a perfect world and the tooth ferry where are you?
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
Posts: 253
Registered: 12-24-2006
Currently, the FDA does more harm than good.  They are owned by Big Pharma.  How else do you explain that the FDA has approved the Gardasil vaccination for young boys ~ boys do not have cervices!  The Gardasil vaccination supposedly protects young girls against cervical cancer... complete lie.  No, we should not dissolve the FDA, but it needs a complete housecleaning, it's completely corrupt.  When the pharmaceutical companies need a big money maker, they collude with the FDA to make it happen.
NotimpressedbyU wrote:
Our government is very limited. I suppose a huge tea party victory next year and we can disolve the FDA entirely. Rely on free market solutions, change where you shop as people die.

Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,381
Registered: 09-11-2007
Currently, the FDA does more harm than good.  They are owned by Big Pharma.  How else do you explain that the FDA has approved the Gardasil vaccination for young boys ~ boys do not have cervices!  The Gardasil vaccination supposedly protects young girls against cervical cancer... complete lie.  No, we should not dissolve the FDA, but it needs a complete housecleaning, it's completely corrupt.  When the pharmaceutical companies need a big money maker, they collude with the FDA to make it happen.

That's  right!!! It's those nasty corporations controlling the govt. NOT!!! Where do you people come from????  If you expect perfection from the FDA look inside and expect the same perfection. GEEZ!!! Where do you people come from????
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,250
Registered: 06-01-2008
All of our fruit in this country is lathered with pesticides.

The only safe fruit to eat are pineapples, watermelons, and grapefruit, because they have thick skins.

Otherwise, you need to buy organic fruit:

"A new report issued by the President’s Cancer Panel recommends eating produce without pesticides to reduce your risk of getting cancer and other diseases. And according to the Environmental Working Group (an organization of scientists, researchers and policymakers), certain types of organic produce can reduce the amount of toxins you consume on a daily basis by as much as 80 percent."

If you can't afford the extra cost, it is still better to eat the pesticide treated fruit than no fruit at all; have at least two servings a day.

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake . . ."
--George Washington's Farewell Address
Conquering Contributor
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Registered: 07-07-2007

          Bon apétit!
Quartz Contributor
Posts: 3,229
Registered: 05-15-2007
      It does seem a bit odd that there have been so many salmonella outbreaks in the United States here of late from so many different food sources. Is it because of better reporting or degrading sanitation in the processing ... Who knows ? I remember a time when eating vegetables was considered healthy, now I'm not so sure and  with the nuts, both pine and peanut being recalled - one just doesn't know what to eat anymore.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
Will make violent revolution inevitable.."
-John F. Kennedy
Posts: 253
Registered: 12-24-2006
I am very much pro-business.  My issue is when big business behaves unethically... I will call them out for it!
Currently, the FDA does more harm than good.  They are owned by Big Pharma.  How else do you explain that the FDA has approved the Gardasil vaccination for young boys ~ boys do not have cervices!  The Gardasil vaccination supposedly protects young girls against cervical cancer... complete lie.  No, we should not dissolve the FDA, but it needs a complete housecleaning, it's completely corrupt.  When the pharmaceutical companies need a big money maker, they collude with the FDA to make it happen.

That's  right!!! It's those nasty corporations controlling the govt. NOT!!! Where do you people come from????  If you expect perfection from the FDA look inside and expect the same perfection. GEEZ!!! Where do you people come from???

Platinum Star Contributor
Posts: 37,020
Registered: 04-04-2008
Dr. Evil is at work again.:smileysad:

Honestly, I agree that nothing is perfect.  There will always be problems with our foods when we are feeding such a large population of people.  There are just bound to be some things that get missed.  No doubt, some of it is due to corruption and perhaps trying to save a few bucks.

My only solution would be to get the TSA involved and let them feel the fruit and nuts since they have experience and love their jobs.:smileyvery-happy::smileywink:
Veteran Contributor
Posts: 2,269
Registered: 07-06-2007
Oh man you need to read more.....

threegirlsmom wrote:
Currently, the FDA does more harm than good.  They are owned by Big Pharma.  How else do you explain that the FDA has approved the Gardasil vaccination for young boys ~ boys do not have cervices!  The Gardasil vaccination supposedly protects young girls against cervical cancer... complete lie.  No, we should not dissolve the FDA, but it needs a complete housecleaning, it's completely corrupt.  When the pharmaceutical companies need a big money maker, they collude with the FDA to make it happen.
NotimpressedbyU wrote:
Our government is very limited. I suppose a huge tea party victory next year and we can disolve the FDA entirely. Rely on free market solutions, change where you shop as people die.

I am the democrat most republicans aspire to become
Conquering Contributor
Posts: 1,381
Registered: 09-11-2007
I am very much pro-business.  My issue is when big business behaves unethically... I will call them out for it!

How about calling out the GOVT. Look closely and they are the main source of Americas problems. Housing Bubble-Govt. Lack of Jobs-Govt. Jobs shipped overseas-Govt. No new business and hiring-Govt. Socil security at risk-Govt. Health care exorbinet-Govt. The list is endless.Regulation Regulation Regulation!!! Rules Rules Rules!! Laws Laws Laws!!! All Govt looking out for your best interest. How is that working out for you?

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein

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